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There were a lot of elements there, whose attitude it was not easy to foresee; Don Platon's friends, Father Martin and his people, Amparito's father, the friends of the opposing candidate, Garcia Padilla. Caesar thought it better that they should consider him a young dandy with no further ambition than to give himself airs, rather than a future master of the town.

"No, I tell you he hasn't done anything to me." Caesar, who had remained motionless in face of Amparito's father's threatening attitude, turned on his heel, and went slowly out. Caesar went back to the hotel, thinking very hard. Alzugaray asked him what the matter was, and Caesar told his friend what had happened in the gallery. On hearing the story Alzugaray assumed a look of deep desolation.

In an instant the Benevolent Society of Saint Joseph had a numerous array of members and patrons. All the great landholders of the region, including Amparito's father, bound themselves to employ no labourers except those belonging to the Benevolent Society. In the neighbouring villages the inhabitants joined en masse.

Then, taking Amparito's head between his hands, he kissed it several times. She leaned her head on Caesar's shoulder and stood pressed against him, sobbing. Caesar felt a sensation of anguish and pain, as if within the depths of his soul, the strongest part of his personality had broken and melted.

The truth was that none of them had considered Caesar a marrying man; some had imagined him already old; others an experienced and vicious bachelor, incapable of yielding to the matrimonial yoke; and now they saw him a youth, of distinguished type, with distinguished manners and looks. Caesar went almost daily to Amparito's father's country-place.

Despite his ambitious plans and the desire he had that the question of his candidacy should be definitely settled, Amparito's letter interested him much more than Don Calixto's. A new, disturbing element was coming into his life, without any warning and without any reason. He said nothing about Amparito's letter to his friend Alzugaray.

The next morning Caesar went to the hotel in the Carrera de San Jeronimo where he had a room, and in the afternoon to the Chamber. He telephoned to Alzugaray to come and see him after the exchange closed. Alzugaray arrived, looking pale, in company with Amparito's father, Don Calixto, and the broker. They were all wretched. The news was horrible.

It is childish." At that moment Amparito's father entered the gallery, and he came running to the girl's side. "What have you done to my daughter?" he cried, approaching Caesar threateningly. "I, nothing," he said. "You have. What has he done to you?" screamed the father. "Nothing, Papa. Do not shriek that way, for God's sake," moaned Amparito; "I was entirely to blame." "If he..."

Caesar impatiently awaited Senor Peribanez's reply, so that he might return to Madrid. He was fed up with Don Calixto's conversation and his wife's, and with the familiarity they had established with him. Alzugaray, on the other hand, was entertained and content. Amparito's father showed a great liking for him and took him everywhere in his automobile.

"Well, what he did at Sinigaglia to the condottieri, to Vittellozzo, Oliverotto da Fermo, and his other two captain-adventurers, I have done to the Minister of Finance, to Don Calixto, Amparito's father, and many others." And Caesar explained his game. Alzugaray was amazed. "How much have you made?" "From what these telegrams say, I think I shall go over half a million francs.