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"It was saved by his son dying almost directly after he did and Horemheb, the great commander-in-chief, at last got his way. He persuaded the reigning Pharaoh, who had married Akhnaton's daughter, to himself lead an expedition and go into Asia.

"Yes, and his constant song was, 'O Lord, how manifold are Thy works. Most surely he would have said so to-night." Michael's thoughts flew to the morning at whose dawn he had first recited to Margaret Akhnaton's hymn to the rising sun. Millicent did not guess that Margaret was present while they stood together in silence, watching the blood tones grow fainter and fainter.

The commonest is that Akhnaton, having come of Syrian stock, on his mother's side, may have got his inspiration from some Syrian hymn, as David also may have done. I reject that theory. The whole of Akhnaton's beliefs and teachings prove the extraordinary originality of his ideas. He borrowed nothing; God was his inspiration." "You are going to tell me about him, about his work?"

"I don't want to bring the hotel at Assuan into this valley. Let's just watch the sun transform its infinite mystery into our waking, working, everyday world if Egypt can be an everyday world." "May I say Akhnaton's beautiful hymn to you? It is about the sunrise. He must often have seen it just as we are seeing it now." "Akhnaton's? Yes, do. How wonderful to think that he wrote hymns!"

She wished that the world was a little less strange; some of the humdrum of her pantry-maid's existence would be almost welcome. "The saint carried it in his ear," he said. "He took it from Akhnaton's treasure." "Have you had it with you at the Front all this time?" Hadassah said. Margaret's emotion touched her. "Yes. But now it is for you, Meg.

It was in his father-in-law's tomb that his beautiful hymn was discovered, for he was one of his devoted followers in Akhnaton's lifetime." Margaret smiled. "The beautiful hymn you said to me that morning at dawn, Mike?" "The same," Michael said. "I have often thought of it in connection with St. Francis' Canticle to the Sun."

I can help you as Margaret helps me." Millicent made no demur. It was useless. "Will the saint be well enough to travel to-morrow, do you think?" "I don't know. His headache was better this morning. If he can retain some food, he may soon pick up." "And you will go on to Akhnaton's tomb?" Millicent did not refer to the buried treasure. "Whenever he is better." Michael looked at his watch.

Later on, when he became the warrior prophet, he must have visualized the heavens as the background of his banner, and taken the evening star and the crescent moon as his symbols the star and the crescent of Islam." Michael paused. "In the same way, the full rays of the sun became the symbol of Aton, Akhnaton's god and loving father." "Your friend?"

Tel-el-Amarna, or "The City of the Horizon," Akhnaton's capital, lies about a hundred and sixty miles south of Cairo.

After that Pharaoh's death, and the death of the next one, Ay, Akhnaton's father-in-law, who reigned for a short time and who, to do him justice, tried to remain faithful to Akhnaton's ideal Aton worship the great warrior and commander-in-chief, Horemheb, was raised to the throne. He brought Egypt back to its old conditions.