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As if moved by the same impulse, the three strangers turned their heads and looked south-westward, upriver. The red-haired man spoke. "So we've lit at last, as the feller said when him and his airyplane landed in a sewer. Faith, I dunno but he was better off than us, at that he wasn't two thousand miles from nowheres like we are.

Yer don't give an automobile no name, an' yer don't give an airyplane no name, an' yer don't give a motorcycle nor a bicycle no name, but yer give a boat a name 'cause she's human. She'll be cranky and stubborn an' then she'll be soft and amiable as pie that's 'cause she's human. An' that's why a man'll let a old boat stan' an' rot ruther'n sell it. 'Cause it's human and it kinder gets him.

"Ther up yonder yet, then," announced Hank, after he had carefully inspected the footprints, and noted that they all pointed one way; "that is to say, if they ain't got an airyplane along as would allow of them flying off. An' Frank, when ye sez the word we'uns are goin' t' walk up this rock ladder t' see what sorter place the ole perfessor keeps."

"Goin' to start right now?" said Phoebe. "Might's well, I guess." He proceeded to the engine-room, followed by Phoebe, who watched his actions with the greatest interest. "What you doin' with that handle?" she asked. "That sets the airyplane on the uptilt. I'm only settin' it a mite jest 'nough to keep the machine from sinkin' down when we get to movin'." "How are you goin' to lift us up?"

"That's what I just said, Bombardier," he sez, which it wasn't but I knew it was no use sayin' so. 'The airyplane swoops round an' comes flyin' straight to us an' passed about our heads an' circles round to have a good look at us. The Left'nant was fair riled. "Dash 'is impidence," he sez.

"If he listens to the lot of ye anny longer he won't know whether he's ridin' a horse or an airyplane. There's only wan insthruction to be kapin' in your head, Billy get to the front an' stay there. Ridin' a waitin' race is all very well on the flat, but whin it comes to jumpin', anything that's in front of ye is apt to turn a somersault an' bring ye down in a heap."