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"You needn't be. One gets used to being an air-plant without roots." "Yet you wouldn't have fitted out this shack," she pointed out shrewdly, "unless you had the instincts of home." "That's true enough. Fortunately it's the kind of home I can take along when they transfer me."

But a willow will grow in baked sand wet with rainwater. An air-plant will grow by feeding on the winds. Nay, those huge forests that overspread great continents have built themselves up mainly from the air-currents with which they are always battling. The oak is but a foliated atmospheric crystal deposited from the aerial ocean that holds the future vegetable world in solution.

But a willow will grow in baked sand wet with rain-water. An air-plant will grow by feeding on the winds. Nay, those huge forests that overspread great continents have built themselves up mainly from the air-currents with which they are always battling. The oak is but a foliated atmospheric crystal deposited from the aërial ocean that holds the future vegetable world in solution.

"It iss no baraseet," he explained, in a mellow falsetto, "it iss an epipheet!" "An air-plant!" said his fair worshipper, softly drinking in a bosomful of gladness as she made the distance between them more discreet. Distances were all one to him.

Why, any minute, something you take for a branch, a knot of liana, a clump of fruit, a hangin' air-plant, may take life an' strike. An' that's all ye'll ever know in this world." "There's no cure for it?" "None. A little while after a fer-de-lance strikes, ye're as dead as if you'd been dropped in mid-Atlantic, with a shot tied to your feet."

It first roots in the soil of earth, and then lifts its branches to the heavens. Unless it does so lift its branches it is stunted and deformed, and is not a tree. Unless it roots in earth it is not a tree, but an air-plant or a cobweb.

"Sometimes, as in the case of the air-plant, the solution contains all its elements; but in higher plants, and in animals generally, some of the principal ones only. Take our own bodies, and we find the atmosphere contains the oxygen and the nitrogen, of which we are so largely made up, as its chief constituents; the hydrogen, also, in its watery vapor; the carbon, in its carbonic acid.

But a willow will grow in baked sand wet with rainwater. An air-plant will grow by feeding on the winds. Nay, those huge forests that overspread great continents have built themselves up mainly from the air-currents with which they are always battling. The oak is but a foliated atmospheric crystal deposited from the aerial ocean that holds the future vegetable world in solution.

An air-plant lay on the ground, evidently detached during the progress of that party. "I'm beginning to smell a rat," Frank said, slowly. "Then let me in, please. I'm just devoured with curiosity to know what it all means," pleaded his chum. "Listen! Don't you hear a strange buzzing up there?" demanded Frank. "Now that you mention it, I believe I do. Sounds to me like a hive of bees."

But since this is a digestive or nutritive process, it follows that aquatic plants may derive much or all of their food from the water itself, or the carbon in it, in the same manner as the so-called air-plant, which grows without soil, does from the air.