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This due to his suspicion of the motives actuating her who has promised to be his sister's deliverer. Nacena is not their friend for mere friendship's sake; nor his, because of the former fellowship between him and her own brother. Instead, jealousy is her incentive, and what she is doing, though it be to their benefit, is but done for the thwarting of Aguara.

At a glance, Aguara sees it is Francesca Halberger, though he needs not seeing her to know that. For he had already recognised her voice well knew it, even in its wailing. "Her father what of him?" he asks, addressing Valdez, soon as the latter is up to him, and speaking in undertone. "No matter what," rejoins the ruffian, with a demoniac leer.

There's but one way I know of to hinder her from becoming the wife of her cousin Cypriano, and that is " "What?" impatiently asks Aguara. "To separate them. Let father, mother, son, and nephew be taken back to where they belong; the nina to stay behind." "But how can that be done?" "You mean without your showing your hand in it?" asks Valdez, in a confidential whisper. "I do.

By this, at every step, they are obstructed; and but for the screams of Francesca, still continued, might as well abandon the chase for any chance they have of overtaking him. And overtake him they never would, nor could, were fortune not in their favour. An accident it may appear; at the same time seeming a divine retribution for wrong a very Nemesis in the path of the wicked Aguara.

Ha! there's something at the back of all this; somebody behind Aguara and his Indians that very somebody I've been guessing at. He to a dead certainty." The last sentences are not spoken aloud; for as yet he has not confided his suspicions about Francia and Valdez to his youthful comrades.

The aguara is smaller and has no mane; it is like the dingo in size, but slimmer and with a sharper nose, and lias a much brighter red colour. At night when camping out I have heard its dismal screams, but the screamer was sought in vain; while from the gauchos of the frontier I could only learn that it is a harmless, shy, solitary animal, that ever flies to remoter wilds from its destroyer, man.

His gold has made them his friends and allies; in short, gained them over to him as good for anything he may call upon them to do. Aguara having signified assent, a gesture brings them up; and, at a whispered word from the vaqueano himself, they fall in behind him.

Then each clutching the halter of his own, and holding it so as to prevent the animal changing position, they await the onslaught of the storm. Meanwhile, Aguara has not been inactive. Instead of having seized the pony's bridle-rein, he has passed round to the rear of the troop, leading his captive along with him; for the wind strikes them in front.

"One! who mean you?" "Aguara." "Aguara! But why he of all the others? And for what?" "For what? Simply to get possession of your sister." Ludwig starts, showing greater astonishment than ever. "Cypriano!" he exclaims; "what do you mean?" "Just what I've said, cousin. You're perhaps not aware of what I've myself known for long; that the chief's son has been fixing his eyes on Francesca."

His son and successor for Gaspar doubts not that Aguara has succeeded him in the chieftainship is answerable for the deed of double crime, whoever may have been his aiders and abettors.