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All these, as well as three hundred and sixty idols which stood on the outside of the Kaaba, he caused to be thrown down and broken in pieces. As he entered the Kaaba, he cried with a loud voice, "Allah acbar," seven times, turning round to all the sides of the Kaaba. He also appointed it to be the Kebla, or place toward which the Mussulmans should turn themselves when they pray.

"Not so, my dearest mother, abandon all hope, for I saw his head off." "Are you sure it was his body that you saw with the head off?" "Quite sure, dear mother, for I was a witness to its being cut off." "If that is the case," replied my mother, "he can never come back again, that's clear. Allah acbar God is great. Then must we mourn."

Finding it shamefully mangled, in the manner already related, he ordered it to be wrapped in a black cloak, and then prayed over it, repeating seven times, "Allah acbar," etc. In the same manner he prayed over every one of the martyrs, naming Hamza again with every one of them; so that Hamza had the prayers said over him seventy-two times.

But his doubts were settled this year by a dream of one of his disciples, in which a man appearing to him in a green vest recommended as a better way, that the people should be summoned to prayers by a crier calling out, "Allah acbar, Allah acbar," etc.; "God is great, God is great, there is but one God, Mahomet is his prophet; come to prayers, come to prayers."

"Not so, my dearest mother, abandon all hope, for I saw his head off." "Are you sure it was his body that you saw with the head off?" "Quite sure, dear mother, for I was a witness to its being cut off." "If that is the case," replied my mother, "he can never come back again, that's clear. Allah acbar God is great. Then must we mourn."

Do I not sit in your sublime presence? Can the sun shine without throwing out heat; therefore if your highness drink, must not I drink? Allah acbar! who shall presume not to follow the steps of the pacha?" So saying, Mustapha lifted up the pitcher, and for a minute, it was glued to his lips. "I think that story should be written down," observed the pacha, after a pause of a few moments.

"Be it so," replied the pacha; "let Menouni be rewarded, and we will try to find some other story-teller, until his return from his pilgrimage." Can I say more?" "Allah acbar! God is great! and it is well said. But why a book, when nobody can read it?" "These are great words, and spiced with wisdom.

He therefore continued, "Your slave must tell you, that in the country of the Franks, they drink nothing but the fire water, in which the true believers but occasionally venture to indulge." "Allah acbar! nothing but fire water? What then do they do with common water?" "They have none but from heaven the rivers are all of the same strength." "Mashallah! how wonderful is God!

We ought to compare India under our government, not with India under Acbar and his immediate successors, but with India as we found it. The calamities through which that country passed during the interval between the fall of the Mogul power and the establishment of the English supremacy were sufficient to throw the people back whole centuries.

As often as he smote a rebel, he shouted the Allah Acbar, "God is victorious!" and in the tumult of a nocturnal battle, he was heard to repeat four hundred times that tremendous exclamation. The prince of Damascus already meditated his flight; but the certain victory was snatched from the grasp of Ali by the disobedience and enthusiasm of his troops.