United States or Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"In the Iroquois language, the Indians gave themselves the appellation of 'Angoueonoue', or 'Men of Always." Chateaubriand's Travels in America, vol. ii., p. 92. "The absence of all reflective consciousness, and of all logical analysis of ideas, is the great peculiarity of American speech." Bancroft, vol. iii., p. 257. Warburton's Conquest of Canada, vol. i., p. 180.

The conveyance was an open wagon; the time, noonday; no wind; the sky without a cloud, the sunshine brilliant and the mercury at 92 deg. in the shade. In some countries an indolent unsheltered drive of an hour and a half under such conditions would have been a sweltering and prostrating experience; but there was nothing of that in this case. It is a climate that is perfect.

The largest plates employed in the hull were 36 feet long, weighing 43 1/2 tons each, and the largest steel beam used was 92 feet long, the weight of this double beam being 4 tons. The after "boss-arms," from which were sus-pended the three propeller shafts, tipped the scales at 73 1/2 tons, and the forward "boss-arms" at 45 tons. Each link in the anchor-chains weighed 175 pounds.

A. An actual horse power as fixed by Watt is 33,000 lbs. raised one foot high in the minute; and in Watt's 40 horse power engine, with a 31-1/2 inch cylinder, 7 feet stroke, and making 17-1/2 strokes a minute, the effective pressure is 6.92 lbs. on the square inch clear of all deductions.

Two frontal attacks were thus repelled with murderous slaughter; but a third attack, delivered over the same ground, was pushed home, and the defenders were driven from their redoubt. Never was a victory more handsomely won or more dearly bought. The assailants lost not less than 1,000 out of 3,000 engaged, including 92 officers.

Kidder never would have alcohol in the house, except for sickness, and we three drink only water, so I don't know anything about it; but I want that you gentlemen should suit your own taste. Do make the waiter bring you something real nice." My sparkling visions of Steinberger Cabinet, Cos d'Estournel, or an "Extra Sec" of '92, burst like a rainbow bubble. Here was one of life's little tragedies.

He had mentioned the terror struck into our soldiers by the Indian war-cry, and he continues: 'I am of opinion that by a proper mixture of asses, bulls, turkeys, geese, and tragedians a noise might be procured equally horrid with the war-cry. See ante, ii.92. Tom Jones, Bk. xvi. chap. 5. Mme.

At noon found the Ship by Observation ahead of the Log 7 miles. Wind North by East, North-North-West; course South 1 degree West; distance 92 miles; latitude 12 degrees 34 minutes North, longitude 22 degrees 10 minutes West; at noon Bonavista, South-East point, North 5 degrees 45 minutes East, 69 leagues. Monday, 3rd. Cloudy weather, with light winds and Calms.

All the Junior Fellows are on service in one capacity or another, and a great many of the Seniors are working in Government Offices or taking school posts" so that the school education of the Country may be carried on. Altogether, nearly 12,000 Cambridge men are serving; 980 have been wounded; 780 have been killed; 92 are missing.

Lettre sur la Musique Française, 178, etc., 187. Corr. Lit., i. 92. His own piece was Le petit prophète de Boehmischbroda, the style of which will be seen in a subsequent footnote. He was burnt in effigy by the musicians of the Opera. Grimm, Corr. Lit., i. 113.