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The actual expenditures during the same periods were, respectively, $95,224,415 and $123,246,648.

But it was settled by law that apart from the matters committed once for all to the decision of the centuries, such as the election of consuls and censors voting by districts should be just as valid as voting by centuries: a regulation introduced as regards the patricio-plebeian assembly by the Valerio-Horatian law of 305 and extended by the Publilian law of 415, but enacted as regards the plebeian separate assembly by the Hortensian law about 467.

This is the theme of many a Psalm in the Bible; its answer is just this "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth." In 415 Euripides told how Hecuba lost her last remaining child Cassandra. The plot of the Trojan Women is outlined by Poseidon and Athena who threaten the Greeks with their hatred for burning the temples of Troy.

The revolt was soon crushed by the military, but not without the loss of life to some of the unhappy men who had been partakers in it. COLLINS' Account of the Colony of New South Wales, p. 415. BARRINGTON'S History of New South Wales, p. 376.

This artillery-duel continues about one hour; and then seems to cease by mutual consent, about dusk after 415 shots have been fired on the Union side, and have been responded to by an equal number from the Rebel batteries, "gun for gun" the total loss in the engagement, on the Union side, being 83, to a total loss among the Enemy, of Thursday night, Richardson retires his brigade upon Centreville, in order to secure rations and water for his hungry and thirsty troops, as no water has yet been found in the vicinity of the Union batteries aforesaid.

As good luck will have it, at the same moment passes 415, our poor relative, who, seeing our distress, stops and promises to help us out of our difficulty; as soon as he has deposited on the quay an Englishman he is conveying, he will come to our aid and bring all that is necessary to relieve us from our lamentable situation. At last our lantern is unhooked, lighted, and paid for.

The cash receipts during the same time were $3,408,515.50, being $190,415.50 in excess of the receipts of the previous year.

They again excited the people by never-ceasing inquiries after conspiracies, by reports of insurrections, by feigned intelligence of invasions from abroad, by discoveries of dangerous combinations at home among Papists and their adherents. * Clarendon, vol. ii. p. 415. Journ. 30th Nov. 1641 Nalson, vol ii. y 688.

We will take shelter under her roof while we wait; and, to avoid the drops that fall heavily from the waterspouts, wedge ourselves tightly against her display of white and pink sweetmeats, so artistically spread out on fresh and delicate branches of cypress. Poor Number 415, what a providence he is to us!

George Rogers Clark of Virginia made a certain expedition through the wilderness to the British outpost at Vincennes, which saved England the trouble of taking Harte's advice, but that it has not been neglected may be evident from the fact that less than a century and a half later, or in 1910, the State of Illinois produced 415 million bushels of maize, besides twice as much oats and half as much wheat as did old England herself in the same year of grace.