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It seems to me impossible, that Whitaker can have written well on the subject of Mary, Queen of Scots, his powers of judgment being apparently so abject. Upon my word Whitaker would have been a choice judge for Charles II. and Titus Oates. Ib. p. 267. A precious beginning of a precious demonstration!

The following table shows the subsequent expansion: In Europe and the Caucasus In Asia. Eng. sq. m Eng. sq. m. In 1725 the Russian Empire contained about 1,738,000 4,092,000 " 1770 " " " " 1,780,000 4,452,000 " 1800 " " " " 2,014,000 4,452,000 " 1825 " " " " 2,226,000 4,452,000 " 1855 " " " " 2,261,250 5,194,000 " 1867 " " " " 2,267,360 5,267,560 " 1897 " " " " 2,267,360 6,382,321

Boswell: 'This very book accompanied Mr. Samuel Johnson and me in our Tour to the Hebrides. UPCOTT. Croker's Boswell, p. 267. Macbeth, act i. sc. 3. See ante, iii. 24, and post, Nov. 10. Our friend Edmund Burke, who by this time had received some pretty severe strokes from Dr.

From Ning-hsia we had 267 miles to the town Pao-te, and now we had to cross the Mongolian district of Ordos, between the Great Wall and the northern bend of the Yellow River. In summer it is better to travel by boat down the river, which rises in north-eastern Tibet and falls into the northern bay of the Yellow Sea after a course of 2500 miles.

267 surged quickly under my feet, as the pressure of the downward-bearing bobstay was removed. Half-a-dozen men of the foc'sle had already thrown out fenders, and stood by to bear off a just visible bulwark. Still going astern, we touched slowly, broadside on, to a suggestive crunching of fenders, and I looked into the deck of a Brixham trawler, her crew struck dumb.

You will be referred to p. 267. Turn to p. 267. You will find there the phrase 'One can walk from the pretty little village of Sillano, nestling in its chestnut groves, to the flourishing town of Borgo on the new Bagni railway in a day. You will find a mark after that phrase. It refers to a footnote.

Lamartine's Histoire des Girondins vi., p.22. Letter of the Prince de Nassau-Siegen to the Russian Empress Catherine, Feuillet de Conches, iv., p. 316; of also Madame de Campan, ch. xxi. Letter of the Princess to Madame de Bombelles, Feuillet de Conches, v., p.267. "N'est-il pas bien gentil, mon enfant?" Mémoires Particuliers, p. 235.

I therefore step over at by-times, and of by-times I have enough. Piozzi Letters, i. 267. See ante, ii. 52. George Garrick. See Murphy's Johnson, p. 141. See ante, March 26, 1776, and post, Sept. 21, 1777. 'While Lord Bathurst held the Great Seal, an attempt was in vain made to corrupt him by a secret offer to Lady Bathurst of three thousand guineas for the living of St. George's, Hanover Square.

Man's intellectual principle is the inmost principle of the woman, 195. INTELLIGENCE is a principle of reason, 130. There is no end to intelligence, 185. Every one is in intelligence, not by birth, but exteriorly by education, 267.

The report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows the receipts from customs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874, to have been $163,103,833.69, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1875, to have been $157,267,722.35, a decrease for the last fiscal year of $5,936,111.34.