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I went to 218 and questioned the cook and waiter, but they had either seen nothing or else had been primed, for not a fact did I get from them. Going to my own car, I ordered a quick supper, and while I was eating it I questioned my boy.

The area of the eighteen provinces is 1,336,841 square miles, to which about 15,000 may be added for Formosa; but the area of the whole Chinese empire is 4,218,401, while that of the United States, including Alaska, is 3,501,409.

Amours du Grand Alcandre, pp. 272, 273. Dreux du Radier, vol. vi. p. 85. Saint-Edmé, p. 218. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 274. Amours du Grand Alcandre, p. 276.

He wanted to be on the ground a day in advance, and I could easily be back in Flagstaff before the arrival of the special agent. I took dinner in 218, and they toasted me, as if I had done something heroic instead of merely having sent a telegram. Later four sat down to poker, while Miss Cullen, Fred and I went out and sat on the platform of the car while Madge played on her guitar and sang to us.

* A presbytery in Scotland is an inferior ecclesiastical court, the same that was afterwards called a classis in England, and is composed of the clergy of the neighboring parishes, to the number commonly of between twelve and twenty. King's Decl. p. 190, 191, 290. Guthry, p. 39, etc. * King's Decl. p. 218. Rush. vol. ii p. 787. May, p. 44.

Seen from equal distances, however, the ratio would be about 218,000,000 to 1. This would be the ratio of their light if both sun and Jupiter could be removed to about the distance of the nearest stars.

He walked the whole distance to Hove along North Street and the Western Road, finally turning down Brunswick Square instead of up it, as he had done on the night of the great adventure. He wondered vaguely why he had been specially instructed to approach the house that way. Here it was at last, 219, Brunswick Square 220 above and, of course, 218 below the house.

The latter was glancing at the house on either side of 219. The higher house was let; the one nearest the sea 218 was empty. A bill in the window gave the information that the property was in the hands of Messrs. Wallace and Brown, Station Quadrant, where keys could be obtained. "We'll make a start straightaway," said Bell. "Come along." "Where are you going to at that pace?" Steel asked.

An order in council authorized an army of 22,218 officers and men and the recruiting officers wasted no time in setting about their work. All over the Dominion men had been drilling ever since the danger of war became acute. The organized militia was hard at work. Volunteers were being rapidly gathered and after a thorough medical examination were put in charge of a drill sergeant.

Watching him, David could see that his eyes glinted like points of steel. There was something subtle behind all this common-place that touched the imagination of the novelist. "Has 218 been let during the occupation of the present owner?" Bell asked. "No," the agent replied.