United States or Lesotho ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Annual Register, 1914, p. 259. "The Army and Ireland," Nineteenth Century and After, January 1921, by Lieut.-Colonel John Ward, C.B., C.M.G., M.P. The position in which Ulster was now placed was, from the political point of view, a very anxious one.

By the summer of 1921, the agents of the principal promoter of this scheme, Harrison Parker, were operating in New York City, and scores of salesmen were covering the various boroughs selling stock. Within two weeks all the agencies interested in protecting cooperation were organized to fight this fraud.

The old were killed or deserted in wanderings or migrations, and infanticide and abortion practised, as they are commonly in Africa to-day. Six-sevenths of India have for ages practised female infanticide, yet India increases two millions annually, and famine stalks year in and year out. Fifteen million Chinese are doomed to die of starvation in 1921, according to official statements.

I have reason to know that the Committee of Twenty-one brought pressure upon our peace commissioners, through Washington and the public press, with the result that their attitude stiffened towards the enemy and presently became almost defiant, so that on October 2, 1921, all efforts towards peace were abandoned.

It may almost be said that Shakespeare's formula for death describes Europe she goes she knows not where, she lies in cold obstruction and she rots. In reality it is not quite so bad as that. Though there is local paralysis of an alarming kind, there is also a sluggish circulation. How impeded that circulation is let the traveller judge. In January, 1921, I took a general passport for Europe.

In 1921 the Woman Suffrage League determined to make an organized effort and collected a petition of 10,000 names, representing every district, and presented it to the Legislature.

During the summer of 1921 the Vice-President of the United States published in The Delineator a series of three articles on "Enemies of the Republic", in which he considers the question, "Are the 'reds' stalking our college women?"

The seeming effect of birth-control is illusory. It is Nature, not human effort, which is at work. B.A.G. Fuller, "The Mechanical Basis of War," Hibbert Journal, 1921. Mr. Recently Mr. C.E. Pell, in his book, The Law of Births and Deaths , has made a more elaborate and systematic attempt to show that the rise and fall of the birth-rate has hitherto been independent of human effort.

In my opinion Sherwood Anderson has made this year once more the most permanent contribution to the American short story, but as last year's book is associated with his name, I am happy to dedicate this year's offering to a new and distinguished English artist, A.E. Coppard, to whom the future offers in my opinion a rich harvest of achievement. Forest Hill, Oxon, England, November 23, 1921

Indeed, nature, and nature only, cures; and as for crises, they come and go, whether or not there is a doctor or healer within a thousand miles. Dr. John. H. Tilden, Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, 1921. The accelerated healing process that occurs during fasting can scarcely be believed by a person who has not fasted.