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A favorite view of the 1890's is in Ernest Dowson's Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonæ sub Regno Cynaræ: Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine There fell thy shadow, Cynara! thy breath was shed Upon my soul between the kisses and the wine; And I was desolate and sick of an old passion; Yea, I was desolate and bowed my head: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

The authors' love affairs were invaluable, no doubt, since a poet is not be expected to treat adequately a passion which he has not experienced himself. It is true that one hears from time to time, notably in the 1890's, that the artist should remain apart from, and coldly critical of the emotions he portrays. But this is not the typical attitude of our period.

Such a person is still living back in the 1890's when food was cheap and seven course dinners and hearty suppers were the rule. Today's orange skins and banana peels are no diet even for a chicken. So, one must buy feed for them. This should be offset in a measure by the eggs normally laid by well-fed and tended pullets.

A study of the hundreds of newspaper accounts of this sighting that rocked the world in the late 1890's was interesting because the same controversies that arose then exist now. Those who hadn't seen the stubby-winged, cigar-shaped "craft" said, "Phooey," or the nineteenth- century version thereof. Those who had seen it were almost ready to do battle to uphold their integrity.

With the greatest pride the enemy of love will point to his popularity in the 1890's, when the artificial and heartless artist enjoyed his greatest vogue. As his most scintillating advocate he will choose Oscar Wilde. Assuring us of many prose passages in his favor, he will read to us the expression of conflict between love and art in Flower of Love, where Wilde exclaims,

The black proportion usually made up a third of the total, sometimes more. Around 1850 the church members found their sympathies divided and two churches were formed a southern congregation and a northern congregation. The latter worshipped in a structure near the intersection of Routes 236 and 237 known as Ryland Chapel. This congregation existed until the 1890's.

Of evenings they sit at little tables along the sidewalk and drink beer and play pinochle and scat . They are very thrifty people. It is near but not "on" the Pedernales. Austin had a large German population when O. Henry lived there in the 1890's, and when he was publishing a weekly humorous newspaper called The Rolling Stone he lost many subscribers and advertisers by satirizing the Germans.