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But mostly, it sure don't smell right and it danged well don't taste right. "Phooey." He made a face at the memory of the taste. "I stuck my finger in it when it looked kinda queer, and took a taste. It shore tasted lousy." "You probably been currying that mangey old horse of yours before you went to milking," Hetty snorted, "and tasted his cancerous old hide on your fingers.

The hitchhikers. The people who create nothing, and who don't appreciate what others have created for them, and who think civilization is something that just exists and that all they need to do is enjoy what they can understand of it luxuries, a high living standard, and easy work for high pay. Responsibilities? Phooey! What do they have a government for?" Trask nodded.

He ran the local garage where Mrs. Bagley bought her car. James went on listening shamelessly. "Late? Phooey. When is eleven-thirty late?" "When it's right now," she replied with a light laugh. "Now, Tim. It's been very " There came a long silence. Her voice was throaty when the silence broke. "Now, will you go?" "Of course," he said. "Not that way, silly," she said. "The door's behind you."

A study of the hundreds of newspaper accounts of this sighting that rocked the world in the late 1890's was interesting because the same controversies that arose then exist now. Those who hadn't seen the stubby-winged, cigar-shaped "craft" said, "Phooey," or the nineteenth- century version thereof. Those who had seen it were almost ready to do battle to uphold their integrity.