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A combination of influences tended to place the labor problem on a new footing after 1896. One of the most important of these forces was the American Federation of Labor which greatly increased its size and activities, especially about the opening of the new century, growing from 950,000 members in 1901 to 4,302,148 in April, 1920.

As regards the projectiles that this weapon throws, the ordinary shell is 33 inches in length, and weighs, all charged, 656 pounds, and the exploding shell, of the same length, weighs, all charged, 1,160 pounds. The initial velocity of the latter is 1,600 feet with a maximum charge of 148 pounds of powder. The 15 inch gun is 32.8 feet in length, and weighs 158,400 pounds.

When the 156 battalions of the line which existed on paper in 1906 were in that year nominally reduced to 148, there was no real reduction, altho some money was saved which was required for some other essential military purposes.

The four States into which Macedonia had been divided were now converted into a Roman province, B.C. 148, and Macedonia became, not a united kingdom, but a united province, with nearly the former limits.

Maize, which was noted in Chicago at the beginning of January, 1917, at 95 cents, rose by the end of April to 127 cents, and by April 25 had risen further to 148 cents. Wheat in New York, which stood at 871/4 cents in July, 1914, and by the beginning of 1917 had already risen to 1911/2 cents, rose at the beginning of April to 229 cents, and was noted at no less than 281 on April 2.

So far as the understanding favors evils, so far a man appropriates them to himself, and makes them his own, 489. See Hereditary. EXTENSION cannot be predicated of things spiritual, 158. The reason why, 389. EXTERNALS derive from their internals their good or evil, 478. Of the external derived from the internal, and of the external separate from the internal, 148.

He was re-elected in 1866. 148, 352. GILMAN MARSTON was born in Orford, New Hampshire. In 1837 he graduated at Dartmouth College, and in 1840 at the Dane Law School. He commenced the practice of law in the following year, in 1845 he was elected to the New Hampshire Legislature, and served four years.

For instance, in Penance the right disposition is to confess all our mortal sins as we know them, to be sorry for them, and have the determination never to commit them again. The right disposition for the Holy Eucharist is to be in a state of grace, and except in special cases of sickness fasting for one hour. 148 Q. Can we receive the Sacraments more than once?

This was built in 1883, has a water-shed of 3,148 acres, a storage capacity of 450,000,000 gallons, and lies 260 feet above the City Hall. There are also three distributing reservoirs at elevations of 177 to 184 feet above the level of Main street, and supplied from the two principal reservoirs. Thirty-inch mains connect the reservoirs with the city.

From 1849 to 1857, inclusive, the net exports of specie amounted to $271,000,000; from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, to $148,000,000, and from 1861 to 1867, inclusive, $322,000,000 making the aggregate of net exports since 1849 $741,000,000. These figures show an excess of product over net exports of $433,000,000.