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Cobb, he had built the schooner Birmingham, of 135 tons burden, and taking command of her himself, sailed her three years. In 1848, the same parties built the Ellington, of 185 tons, which Capt. Bradley sailed for one year. The following year he shifted his command to the propeller Indiana, 350 tons burden, which he and his associate, Mr. Cobb, had built for the Buffalo and Chicago trade. Capt.

The last Quartet, opus 135, is dedicated to Johann Wolfmayer, a merchant of Vienna with whom he had much friendly intercourse. Wolfmayer showed his interest in the master's work in many ways. It may be mentioned that he offered him a sum equal to several hundreds of dollars to carry out his project of writing a Requiem Mass.

History tells us how they revolted again and again under the Roman rule, and how at last, in the year 135 A.D., Jerusalem was taken by the Roman Emperor, and the Jews, driven from their country, ceased to be a nation, and were scattered over the face of the earth.

"Eöthen," pp. 97, 98. "Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope," i. 135, 136. "Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope," i. 142-144. "Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope," iii. 189, 190.

This shade of opinion was then quite modern; we recognise it in Alfred Meisener, Ludwig Pfau, and the Vienna group, even in Börne, who died in the forties; the doctrine was part of the spirit of the age, and did not need to be derived from Proudhon. Wilhem Marr, Das junge Deutschland in der Schweiz, p. 135. Leipsic, 1846.

"Upon the 14th, having put white shoes on my feet, I paid a visit to the Amritsur or reservoir of the elixir of immortality from whence the city derives its name. It is a reservoir of about 135 feet square, built of brick, and in the centre is a pretty temple dedicated to Gourogovind Sing.

Captain King and his party got 135 pheasants last Thursday, to say nothing of hares and rabbits; so I suppose they have good shooting. I wish they would ask Tom. Happily he has got nothing to fear from the Chancery people: I suppose they daren't interfere with the Church.

Yet, after all, the distance examined did not exceed 135 miles, and might have been done easily in ten days, and without any loss, had the situation of the watering places, or the nature of the country, been previously known.

Cooper, in explaining the causes of some epidemics, remarks that the opening of the plague burial-grounds at Eyam resulted in an immediate outbreak of disease. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, NO. 3, VOL. 135. In an address before the Chicago Medical Society, in advocacy of cremation, Dr. Charles W. Purdy made some striking comparisons to show what a burden is laid upon society by the burial of the dead:

By adding the peace establishment to it, we arrive at an estimated strength of 3,534,636, which the French can match with about the same figures. The annual enlistment in Austria amounts to some 135,000. Liability to serve lasts twelve years, leaving out of account service in the Landsturm.