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The expense of keeping it in repair is estimated at 10000 livres, or 400 pounds sterling per annum, and is defrayed by government, it being the highroad to Picardy. Upon the whole, although this bridge is so much admired, I must confess it appeared to me a heavy performance, unsuitable to the wealth, and splendour of the city of Rouen, and below the taste and ingenuity of modern times.

For that hoost schalle ben logged the nyght, where the emperour schalle lygge upon the morwe. And there schalle every man have alle maner of vytaylle and necessaryes, that ben nedefulle, of the emperoures costages. And in this firste hoost is the nombre of peple 50 cumaunez; what of hors, what of fote: of the whiche every cumanez amounten to 10000, as I have told zou before.

If the People only make the Riches, the Father of ten Children is a greater Benefactor to his Country, than he who has added to it 10000 Acres of Land and no People.

"I would not serve another 7 years for seven hundred thousand pound." To Miss Hutchinson Lamb said; "I would not go back to my prison for seven years longer for £10000 a year." In the London Magazine the essay was divided into two parts, with the two quotations now at the head apportioned each to one part. Part II. began at "A fortnight has passed," on page 224.

Did there not vpon the first thinking of the iourney diuers gallant Courtiers put in their names for aduenturers to the summe of 10000 li. who seeing it went forward in good earnest, aduised themselues better, and laid the want of so much money vpon the iourney?

Documents certainly not of more recent date than the ninth century, show particulars of some of these transactions. 2 at 10000 bundles of rice each 2 at 800 bundles of rice each. 1 at 700 bundles of rice. 1 at 600 bundles of rice. Total 4900 bundles The above are slaves of Kannawo Oba of Okambe in Yamagata district.

After Constantine's pretended conversion to Christianity, and the time for the fulfillment of the prophecies had been put off to the year 10000, as previously stated, the hierarchy of the church appealed to the Emperor to give them a Sabbath, and although they knew that the seventh day of the week was the Sabbath of the Old Testament, and that Sunday was the first of the six working days, according to the fourth commandment, their hatred to the Jews for refusing to accept their Christ as the Saviour induced them to have it placed on the first day of the week.

Whereas the Confederate loss, as stated by the same author, Surrendered at Vicksburg .............. 32000 Captured at Champion Hills............. 3000 Captured at Big Black Bridge .......... 2000 Captured at Port Gibson................ 2000 Captured with Loring .................. 4000 Killed and wounded .................... 10000 Stragglers............................. 3000

A man who wanted to compose part of a Liberal constituency must not himself hunt for 1000 other Liberals; if he did, after writing 10000 letters, he would probably find he was making part of a constituency of 100, all whose votes would be thrown away, the constituency being too small to be reckoned.

This relation need not be 1/10000, but may be anything from 1/100 that an architect might use in making a map or plan of a house up to one over a billion and a half, which is about the proportion between map and real distances in a pocket-atlas representation of the whole world on a 6-inch page. Map makers call this relation the "scale" of the map and put it down in a corner in one of three ways.