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Naturally enough, on the proclamation of the Republic, these busts were considered at least supererogatory, and it is to be hoped they will stay where they are. The Eveche, or Bishop's Palace, is the principal sight at Meaux. It is full of historic associations, besides being very curious in itself.

We walked to the Cathedral through a grand old Square planted with fine trees, that had once been a part of the garden of the Évêché. As it was getting dark, we could not see the outside very well.

At the same time there were frequent manifestations of jealousy in lower circles, especially among those who knew the origin and career of their young master. But see the American edition of Martin's History of France, II, 16. Baboeuf reopened at the Panthéon the club which had been closed at the Évêché by the Convention and reorganized a secret society in connection with it.

These green walks, where the nightingale and the oriole were singing, were otherwise as quiet as the Eveche itself; but the acme of quiet and solitude was only to be found in the avenue of yews, called Bossuet's Walk.

It is at least probable that the occupation of the Palace by the Bishop did not take place till after the erection of the Castle on the site of the original Evêché in the time of St.

La Haye: 21 Janvier, 1842 Mon cher Hope, ... J'ai lu avec un vif interet vos reflexions sur ce nouvel Eveche de Jerusalem, dont on parait vouloir faire un lien entre l'Eglise anglicane et le Protestantisme Evangelique de Prusse, en cherchant a vivifier les ossemens arides de celui-ci par une sorte de greffe de votre Episcopat auquel nous contestons encore, comme question, la continuite de la succession Apostolique.

Another day, the procureur-syndic Lhullier summons them to attend the "Eveche," to "fraternize with the authorities of the Paris department;" the "Fraternite" section invites them to its daily meetings; the Jacobin club lends them its vast hall in the morning and admits them to its sessions in the evening.

"Il se retira dans son évêché de l'autre côté du Rhin. L

On the 30th, members of the electoral college, commissioners of the clubs, and deputies of sections assembled at the Eveche, declared themselves in a state of insurrection, dissolved the general council of the commune, and immediately reconstituted it, making it take a new oath; Henriot received the title of commandant-general of the armed force, and the sans-culottes were assigned forty sous a day while under arms.