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Fish which went up with the tide frequently found themselves stranded on the way down, for the water passed freely between the palm-tree trunks without affording them right of way, and the rude weir often stopped for ever belated bream, mullet, and barramundi.

He jumped in and became a fish, but his enemy pursued him quickly in the shape of an otter, so that he had to assume the form of a bird and fly up into the air. At this time the fish weir of Gwyddno stood between Dyvi and Aberystwyth, near his own stronghold. It was usual in this weir every year on the 1st of May to catch fish worth 100 pounds. Gwyddno had an only son, Elphin.

"Won't you ask me to be seated, and hear what I wish to say, Miss Weir?" She hesitated over the name, and Madeline, perceiving it, said: "You think Weir is not my name?" "Frankly, I do," smiled Mrs. Girard; "but just now the name matters little. Pardon me, but I am more interested in your face than your name.

His greatest power is, however, shown in those works which deal with Scotland in the 18th century, such as Kidnapped, Catriona, and Weir of Hermiston, and in those, e.g., The Child's Garden of Verse, which exhibit his extraordinary insight into the psychology of child-life; Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

This pond has two floodgates, the one already mentioned, which opens into the canal, and another, on the other side of the stone mound, opening to the lower part of the weir.

"There's naebody thinking of you, Hermiston!" cried the offended woman. "We think of her that's out of her sorrows. And could she have done waur? Tell me that, Hermiston tell me that before her clay-cauld corp!" "Weel, there's some of them gey an' ill to please," observed his lordship. My Lord Justice-Clerk was known to many; the man Adam Weir perhaps to none.

J. Jenner Weir believes that it actually serves them as a means of escape, for birds strike at these brightly coloured and fragile surfaces, instead of at the body. For instance, Mr.

"Strange what he was doing up there in the mountains with an automobile alone," the doctor remarked. "Oh, he might have wanted a day's fishing, or was taking a look at cattle or range, something like that," Johnson stated. "Mr. Weir said a sheepherder found him. Wasn't that it, sir?" The engineer turned to the rancher. "Wasn't that the way of it?" "Yes.

With thongs from one of the saddles he bound Sorenson's hands, pulling the knots tight and hard. The prostrate man moaned, opened his eyes. Weir jerked him dazed and staggering to his feet. "Up into the saddle with you if you don't want another rap on the head," Steele ordered, bruskly. "And go straight this time.

Doctor wants his boy too, teach him to make physic; and I ar'n't no spite again' young Duncan here, so I dunno as I partic'lar wants him throw'd up on the beach with his pockets full o' shrimps; so, No. Now be off. Go and look at the weir." "It's of no good," said Bigley, as we tramped down over the rough sand and pebbles. "When he says `no' he means it. We could have managed the boat all right.