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Tachot fell ill of a dreadful fever and lay for nine days hovering between life and death; she is still so weak that she must be carried, and can move neither hand nor foot. "During the journey to Bubastis, Amasis' eyes, as so often happens here, became inflamed.

And she found what she sought; for it seemed to her as if the sound of its sacred rings bore her away into a smiling, sunny landscape. That faintness which so often comes over people in decline, had seized her and was sweetening her last hours with pleasant dreams. The female slaves, who stood round to fan away the flies, said afterwards that Tachot had never looked so lovely.

Her countenance was noble yet charming, and every movement betrayed the grace only to be imparted by a Greek education. The two girls at Ladice's side, Tachot and Nitetis, were called twin-sisters, but showed no signs of that resemblance usually to be found in twins.

Arist De mundo II. 7. Early monuments prove that they were acquainted with the identity of the morning and evening star. "Tachot kissed the child and gave her her own costly fan.

When he was in his old place, he noticed that Tachot, whose bearers had begun to move on again, was looking round at him. The color had come back into her cheeks, and her bright eyes were trying to meet his. He did not avoid them; she threw him a lotus-bud-he stooped to pick it up, and then broke his way through the crowd, for this hasty act had roused their attention.

Bartja and Sappho were delighted to find such a welcome guest, and after she had dandled and played with her great grandchild, the little Parmys, to her heart's content, they led her to the rooms which had been prepared for her. Herod. They were the same in which the unhappy Tachot had spent the last months of her fading existence.

She knew now that Tachot had loved Bartja, that he had given her the faded flowers, and that she had wreathed the ball with roses because he had thrown it to her. The amulets must have been intended either to heal her sick heart, or to awaken love in his.

Bartja and Sappho were delighted to find such a welcome guest, and after she had dandled and played with her great grandchild, the little Parmys, to her heart's content, they led her to the rooms which had been prepared for her. Herod. They were the same in which the unhappy Tachot had spent the last months of her fading existence.

Ladice's glance at the attendants seemed to ask "Has your poor mistress lost her senses?" Tachot understood the look and said, evidently speaking with great difficulty: "You think I am wandering, mother. No, indeed, I really saw and spoke to him. He gave me my sistrum again, and said he was my friend, and then he took my lotus-bud and vanished. Don't look so distressed and surprised, mother.

My time is passed either at the sick-bed of your sister or in comforting your father and guiding his steps; and though much in need of sleep I am now taking advantage of night to write these lines. "Here I was interrupted by the nurses, calling me to your sister Tachot, your own true friend.