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As he sat at his platter and mug, Riderhood saw him, again and yet again, steal a look at the neckerchief, as if he were correcting his slow observation and prompting his sluggish memory. 'When you're ready for your snooze, said that honest creature, 'chuck yourself on my bed in the corner, T'otherest. It'll be broad day afore three. I'll call you early.

Bradley Headstone was so remarkably awkward at these exercises, that the Rogue observed it. 'Look out, T'otherest! he cried, 'you'll cut your hand! But, the caution came too late, for Bradley gashed it at the instant.

Do what Bradley Headstone would, he could not keep that former flush of impatience out of his face, or so master his eyes as to prevent their again looking anxiously up the river. 'Ha ha! Don't be afeerd, T'otherest, said Riderhood. 'The T'other's got to make way agin the stream, and he takes it easy. You can soon come up with him. But wot's the good of saying that to you!

He very cautiously rose to his feet. 'T'otherest, he said, in a low, calm voice, 'are you a lying easy? There's a chill in the air, governor. Shall I put a coat over you? No answer. 'That's about what it is a'ready, you see, muttered Riderhood in a lower and a different voice; 'a coat over you, a coat over you!

'The T'other Governor he's always joked his jokes agin me, owing, as I believe, to my being a honest man as gets my living by the sweat of my brow. Which he ain't, and he don't. 'What is that to me? 'T'otherest Governor, returned the man in a tone of injured innocence, 'if you don't care to hear no more, don't hear no more. You begun it.

"Well, if the village ain't a liar from its one end to its t'otherest, then I knows!" he declared triumphantly "Lord love ye, Passon, you don't s'pose ye can keep any secrets in this 'ere parish?