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Lyons departed with an agreeable impression that he had been talking to a woman who combined mental sagacity and enterprise with considerable fascination of person. This capable companion of Mr. Parsons was no coquettish or simpering beauty, no mere devotee of fashionable manners, but a mature, well-poised character endowed with ripe intellectual and bodily graces.

Accordingly the bankers who for a long series of years passed successfully this strict and continual investigation, became very wealthy and very powerful. The name 'London Banker' had especially a charmed value. He was supposed to represent, and often did represent, a certain union of pecuniary sagacity and educated refinement which was scarcely to be found in any other part of society.

There was certainly nothing sufficiently imposing about the persons of either of these individuals to repel the investigations of one as much influenced by curiosity as our tailor. Instead, however, of yielding directly to the strong impulse, the honest shaper of cloth chose to conduct his advance in a manner that should afford to the bumpkin a striking proof of his boasted sagacity.

His object was always to gain information respecting the different manoeuvres, and nothing astonished the Admiral more than the sagacity of his questions.

A less prudent man might easily have worn out his popularity and alienated large sections of opinion, but Washington's characteristic sagacity, which had been displayed so constantly during the war, stood him in as good stead in matters of civil government. He propitiated Nemesis and gave no just provocation to any party to risk its popularity by attacking him.

"You're not to say, 'it's well enough, when it's beautiful," observed Anastasia. Then with what was considered by the elder portion of the party to be a pretty specimen of childish sagacity, Hugh admonished his little sister "But he mustn't praise his own things; that's not good manners.

After having examined the symptoms, he declared that the patient had been poisoned with arsenic, and prescribed only draughts and lubricating injections, to defend the coats of the stomach and intestines from the vellicating particles of that pernicious mineral; at the same time hinting, with a look of infinite sagacity, that it was not difficult to divine the whole mystery.

Bonaparte and the Army of Italy The System of Pillage The General as a Despot The Republican Armies and French Politics Italy as the Focal Point Condition of Italy Bonaparte's Sagacity His Plan of Action His Army and Generals Strength of the Army of Italy The Napoleonic Maxims of Warfare Advance of Military Science Bonaparte's Achievements His Financial Policy Effects of His Success.

CUVIER is disposed to ascribe the exalted idea that prevails of their intellect to the feats which an elephant performs with that unique instrument, its trunk, combined with an imposing expression of countenance: but he records his own conviction that in sagacity it in no way excels the dog, and some other species of Carnivora.

For our own part, our ambition never inclined to the adventurous task of exploring the bush, content with the subordinate part of trusting to the superior sagacity of the more experienced; and often have our wonder and admiration been excited by the unerring judgment of our guide, when there was neither sun to direct, nor any opening above or around whereby to obtain a view of the surrounding country.