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"Oh, for goodness' sake!" frowned Bobby, pulling on his rubber boots and stamping in them to make sure they were well on. "Why do you always want to tag along every place we go?" Dot looked hurt, and Bobby was really ashamed of himself. He wasn't cross very often, but nothing seemed to go right this morning.

She was wearing, as I knew, a pair of brown golf-boots, with rubber pads in the leather soles, and the prints made by them were unmistakable. "Miss Haldean crossed the path here," I said, pointing to the footprints. "Don't speak of her before me!" exclaimed Mrs. Haldean; but she gazed eagerly at the footprints, nevertheless, and immediately plunged into the wood to follow the tracks.

I wrote home that my overcoat with large cape weighed about fifty pounds with the water in it, but it kept my body dry, and I found it better to wear it than to put on a rubber waterproof, for perspiration did not evaporate under the latter.

So far I've only had light shocks, but the insulation is burning out of my magneto, and that will soon stop. When it does I can't run the motor, and " "I'm going to cut that wire!" again shouted Mr. Peterson. "But you can't, without pliers and rubber gloves!" yelled Tom. "Keep away, I tell you!" The man on the ladder hesitated.

The two were standing now before the cylindrical furnace containing the mixture of silicates and other ingredients from which Tom Swift hoped would emerge a glass as flexible as rubber and as strong as steel. The thermometer on the front stood at twenty-one degrees Centigrade. "She's just right," muttered the inventor, consulting a complicated chart hanging on the wall. "Now we'll see!"

If you have mislaid the rubber pessary, a small sponge, a piece of clean cotton-wool, or even a piece of soft tissue paper can be used. Native women in different countries use seaweed, moss, sponge, etc., and Japanese women use rice-paper. But these articles are not so clean or effective as the occlusive rubber pessary.

The two men dined together at their club; they met again and again; sometimes by accident sometimes by appointment. The club was one at which there was a good deal of quiet gambling amongst scientific whist- players; but until his meeting with Reginald Eversleigh, Douglas Dale had never been tempted to take part in a rubber.

The rubber, oil, tobacco and sugar interests have pursued a similar policy extending their organization in such a way as to utilize foreign resources as a source for the raw materials that are destined to be manufactured in the United States. Manufacturing and Marketing Abroad

Of the coffee plantation at Man o' War Bay I have already spoken, and of those in Congo Francais, which, although not at present shipping like the German plantation, will soon be doing so. In addition to coffee and cacao attempts are being made in Congo Francais to introduce the Para rubber tree, a large plantation of which I frequently visited near Libreville, and found to be doing well.

As I did not seem disposed to follow this advice without some plausible reason, the First Consul added, "You must know, then, that I learn from Caesar all that passes in your house. You do not speak very ill of me yourself, nor does any one venture to do so in your presence. You play your rubber and go to bed.