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Based upon fear, stereotyped in the form of a legal relationship, religio 'the bounden obligation' made, no doubt, for a kind of conscientiousness in its adherents, but a cold conscientiousness, devoid of emotion and incapable of expanding itself to include other spheres or prompt to a similar scrupulousness in other relations.

Browne's Religio Medici, composed as a private confession of faith around 1635, is known to all students of English literature, as is his later, splendid work on death and immortality, Hydrotaphia, Urne-Buriall.

Hale was also an eminent author, who had treated upon the abstrusest subjects, and was equally distinguished for his piety and inflexible integrity. Another person, who was present, and accidentally took part in the proceedings, was sir Thomas Browne, the superlatively eloquent and able author of the Religio Medici.

For, surely the thirty years of schoolboy, and student, and opening professional life that resulted in the production of such a masterpiece as the Religio Medici was a miracle both of God's providence and God's grace, enough to justify him who had experienced all that in acknowledging it to God's glory and to the unburdening of his own heart, so richly loaded with God's benefits.

M. d'Harcourt was urged to ask her some questions, but he replied in the words of Horace, 'Nulla mihi religio est'. Then Hedvig turned to me and asked me to put her some hard question, "something difficult, which you don't know yourself." "I shall be delighted. Do you grant that a god possesses in a supreme degree the qualities of man?" "Yes, excepting man's weaknesses."

The states of Holland are as sovereign as the kings of England or Denmark, the electors of Saxony or Brandenburg, the magistrates of Zurich or Basel or other Swiss cantons. "Cujus regio ejus religio." In 1590 there was a compromise under the guidance of Barneveld. It was agreed that an appointing board should be established composed of civil functionaries and church officials in equal numbers.

Selections from Milton's Prose. Edited by F.D. Myers. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. England's Antiphon. By George Macdonald. London: Macmillan & Co., 1868. Robert Herrick's Hesperides. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1885. Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia. Edited by Willis Bund. Sampson Low & Co., 1873. Thomas Fuller's Good Thoughts in Bad Times.

But he who feels the grace and the truth, the power and the sweetness and the beauty of such writing, will be glad to know that the whole Religio is full of such things, and that all this author's religious and moral writings partake of the same truly Apostolic and truly Platonic character.

It was the same eternal story, the same terrible two-edged weapon, "Cujus reggio ejus religio," found in the arsenal of the first Reformers, and in every politico-religious arsenal of history. "By an eternal decree of God," said Gomarus in accordance with Calvin, "it has been fixed who are to be saved and who damned.

Streets, streets, streets, markets, theatres, churches, Covent Gardens, shops sparkling with pretty faces of industrious milliners, neat seamstresses, ladies cheapening, gentlemen behind counters lying, authors in the street with spectacles, lamps lit at night, pastry-cooks' and silver-smiths' shops, beautiful Quakers of Pentonville, noise of coaches, drowsy cry of mechanic watchmen at night, with bucks reeling home drunk, if you happen to wake at midnight, cries of 'Fire! and 'Stop thief! inns of court with their learned air, and halls, and butteries, just like Cambridge colleges, old book-stalls, 'Jeremy Taylors, 'Burtons on Melancholy, and 'Religio Medicis, on every stall.