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Then to Mark, "She was close to the side where they go off and I was looking at her through the glasses, and I saw her just as plain give a sort of quick look into the box and then smile and point to the flowers. It was as if she said to the person in there, 'You see, I've got them." "Who was in the box?" Chrystie bounced exuberantly on the stool. "That's the joke. None of us could see.

I knows a tide, an' it's a good tide, The tide that gets you quick to anchors down. I knows a day, an' it's a fine day, I knows a tide, an' its' a good tide And God help the lubber, I say, That's stole the sailor man's bride!" The song had its way with them and they joined in and lay to their oars with almost too much goodwill.

Come, be quick and make way for us." "I don't know about that; your caravan does not look much like royalty." "What have you to do with that? The pass. . . . " "I must see it, before I let you into the city." These words were half meant for the traveller, whom he was scrutinizing very suspiciously.

Death, mercifully swift, he had felt could be his only fate; and with this thought had come no fear, but only a wild joy that he had shared this glorious battle, sure to end in victory! This was his only thought this, and a quick vision of Catherine. Then, as he hurtled down and over, whirling drunkenly in the void, all clear perception left him.

One swift rush to the brink, a quick slide down a glistening slant of water and then a headlong plunge into the seething waves. The log rushed on nobly, now under the billows, now high on their crest until it struck a rock endwise, and turned broadside in the twinkling of an eye. Ned parted company with it then and there he couldn't help it and struggled on alone.

I am told that while Austrian discipline is very severe, and the officer's revolver is ever quick to maintain it, the Austrian private soldier has a sense of deep loyalty toward his emperor, and that this is a personal devotion which will not easily be transferred to a successor.

'Here, Simeon, he said, 'take the waggon, and drive on as fast as thou canst, and bring back help. Now follow me, he said to the others, 'quick, for your lives. Run now, if you you ever did run. Quicker than we can say it, they were following him up a tiny narrow path to the top of the rocks, and Simeon was galloping the horses with the empty waggon along the road.

If a plate, coated over the iodine to a rose red, and then exposed to strong dry quick or weak bromine water, so that a change of color can be seen, then recoated over the iodine twice as long as at first coating, it will be found far more sensitive when exposed to the light than when it has been recoated over the iodine one-fourth of the time of the first coating.

'No, continued the young lady, still watching the sleeping flies on the ceiling. 'It is left unsettled between us, while I come and ask you if there would be any harm if it could conveniently be before we return to England? 'Paula, this is too precipitate! 'On the contrary, aunt. In matrimony, as in some other things, you should be slow to decide, but quick to execute.

"He was always keen and far-sighted in his consideration of the proposals put before him, and quick to find a flaw or weakness, or to point out any responsibilities which had not been sufficiently taken into account.