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Because you are an angel!" Later on he sauntered over to the postoffice. A number of men and women were congregated in front of the drug store, among them Charlie Webster and A. Lincoln Pollock. The latter had his "pad" in hand and was writing industriously. "What's the excitement?" Courtney inquired, coming up to Charlie. "Somebody poisoned Henry Brickler's collie last night," replied Charlie.

Quietly, carefully, persuasively, he had been pursuing his own particular course of eliciting history for use in his "Chronicle," as he named it, and for another use concerning which he was as still as death. That he was successful in obtaining what he had been after was made known to Weir about dusk that evening while he was talking with Pollock in his office.

Pollock temporised, holding on to his advanced position by the plea of inability to retire for want of transport, claiming mildly to find discretionary powers in the Government instructions, and cautiously arguing in favour of an advance by a few marches to a region where better climate was to be found, and whence he might bring to bear stronger pressure for the liberation of the prisoners.

Hake occur on the muddy ground in summer and fall. On both shoals are abundant growths of "lemons" and like species of fish food, and they are good "hand-line spots" over their rocky bottoms. Fishing on both is said to be at its best in the spring and in June, the species taken being cod, cusk, pollock, and hake.

A. Lincoln Pollock was full of news at supper that evening. Courtney, coming in a little late, in fact, Miss Margaret Slattery already had removed the soup plates and was beginning to wonder audibly whether a certain guy thought she was a truck-horse or something like that, found the editor of the Sun anticipating by at least twelve hours the forthcoming issue of his paper.

His uncle, George Pollock Devereux, happened to hear him and rebuked him sharply for so idle a boast, and when your dear grandfather manfully stood his ground, saying that it was not an idle boast, his uncle called him a vain braggart, which so offended your grandfather that he told his uncle that he would prove the truth of his assertion.

Off Plymouth, in late March, there is generally a large school of codfish, from which the gill-netters take good fares. All over this ground in depths of from 10 to 40 fathoms. netters from Gloucester and Boston operate in a codfishery In the months of December, January, and February. There is a considerable hand-line fishery for pollock in the fall.

"You played a little joke on your new and not wholly popular principal, didn't you?" Mr. Pollock asked, his eyes twinkling. "Yes; has the thing reached you already?" "I don't know the whole story of the joke," Mr. Pollock replied, "but perhaps I can tell you one side of it that you don't know." Thereupon the editor described Mr. Cantwell's visit to the bank.

The nearest available chair to Maisie was at least four yards away; to have selected it would have been to have isolated himself. He would have had to have hailed her ridiculously across the room's breadth. It was plainly intended that he should challenge fate and share the couch, just as Pollock, Gervis, Lockwood, Adair and so many others had done before him.

I did not know there were fish, in fresh water, on the Cape." "There are, a few. The people about here pay no attention to them. They scorn such small fry. Cod and pollock are more in their line." "I suppose so. But that is all the better for you, isn't it? Were you fishing when I interrupted you?" "No, I was just getting ready for lunch. My fire was ready to kindle." "Fire?