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No, however cowardly he might be, if he had plotted such a crime, nothing would have induced him to tell any one about the envelope and the signals, for that was as good as betraying himself beforehand. He would have invented something, he would have told some lie if he had been forced to give information, but he would have been silent about that.

Already his rooms are the headquarters of the fiery chivalry of the South. Day by day Valois admires the self-assertion of the imperious lawyer. The Mississippian has already plotted out the situation. He is concert with leaders like himself, who are looking up and drawing in their forces for the struggle at the convention. Valois becomes familiar with the heads of the Northern opposition.

In fine, I did not suspect that a fellow who was taking wages from my hand had plotted to rob me of what was my dearest hope, or that another another would surrender herself a prey to his crafty greed." "Damme, it is a poem after all," Harry groaned. "You said you had something to tell me, sir," said Alison coldly. "Nay, ma'am, be patient. I give you no reproaches. But what is, is.

"In other words, Society is to be dissolved in order that anarchy and lawlessness may take its place. Society may not be perfect, nay, I will grant that its sins are many and grievous, that it has forgotten its duty both to God and man in its worship of Mammon and its slavery to externals, but you who have plotted its destruction, have you anything better to put in its place?

So you thought to hoodwink me to get the secret of the treasure and then put me out of the way, eh? That was your game, was it? Well, it's all off now. I'll have nothing further to do with you." "Why why, Mr. Marquand, it's all a mistake!" began one of the pair. "Perhaps you'll deny having plotted against me on a train on your way to Bluewater." "I deny ever having tried to put up a game on "

They plotted long and earnestly and even made a mental distribution of their quarry, deciding what should be done with its skin and with its meat, far in advance of any determination upon a plan for its capture and destruction. They were boys. There was no objection from the parents.

They plotted with such ministers as were favourable to her; they openly quarrelled with and thwarted those who were her opponents, so that the most important matters perished in their hands. Our King complained of this with bitterness.

That he plotted to secure the betrayal of the Baas' country and the Outlander interest, while he would have given his life for the Baas, was but the twisted sense of a perverted soul. He had one obsession now to destroy Adrian Fellowes, his agent for Paul Kruger in the secret places of British policy and in the house of the Partners, as it were. But how should it be done? What should be the means?

She had been absent from London during the past season, having taken it also into her head to travel. She was equally admired and equally plotted for at Rome, at Paris, and at Vienna, as at London; but the bird had not been caught, and, flying away, left many a despairing prince and amorous count to muse over their lean visages and meagre incomes.

What sort of a scheme he had in his mind when he plotted to steal this ship, it is very difficult to say, for I think we may take it for granted that he is absolutely ignorant of her diving and flying powers; but it is clear enough that, whatever his intentions may have been, he would have indeed, did unhesitatingly leave five of us to perish on that barren rock, which, he knew, afforded neither food nor water.