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Sheridan's hand-writing one of those trifles, perhaps, with which he and his friend Tickell were in the constant habit of amusing themselves, and written apparently with the intention of ridiculing some woman of fashion: "Then behind, all my hair is done up in a plat, And so, like a cornet's, tuck'd under my hat.

After I had marked the sun's going down, I went through a plat of vines hanging on the steeps, to a little eminence, round which the wood grows wilder and more luxuriant, and the cypresses shoot up to a surprising elevation.

You know I don't." She rose with the sleeping child in her arms and carried it to its cot. He followed her and turned back the blanket for her as she laid Baby down. But it was Winny and not Baby that he looked at. And he thought, "Little Winky's grown up." To be sure, her hair was done differently. He missed the door-knocker plat. But that was not what he meant.

"Lou and Oscar can't see those things," said Alexandra suddenly. "Suppose I do will my land to their children, what difference will that make? The land belongs to the future, Carl; that's the way it seems to me. How many of the names on the county clerk's plat will be there in fifty years? I might as well try to will the sunset over there to my brother's children.

I was at first struck with the singular resemblance which they bore to the mutton-chops that are usually brought on the table at hotels and restaurants, a resemblance the more striking from the sprigs of parsley which they produced freely. One plat in particular reminded me, not unpleasantly, of a peculiar cake, known to my boyhood as "a bolivar."

If you carefully with great heede and diligence, note the obseruations in your booke, as aforesaid, and afterwards make demonstration thereof in your plat, you shall thereby perceiue howe farre the land you first sawe, or the parts thereof obserued, was then from you, and consequently of all the rest: and also how farre the one part was from the other, and vpon what course or point of the Compasse the one lieth from the other.

Out of doors, in the warm sunny plat south of the barn, a small boy and a still smaller girl were engaged in the fascinating occupation of becoming acquainted. The little girl was decidedly taking the initiative. "How's it come your name is Blair?" she asked, opening fire as soon as they were alone. The boy pondered the question. It had never occurred to him before. Why should he be called Blair?

Ben looked out across the narrow plat of turf deliberately. "Am I young? Really, I'd never thought of it in that way." The Englishman's feet again mounted the railing in an attempt at nonchalance. "Well, usually a man at your age " He laughed. "If it were an old fellow like me " "Mr. Baker, I thought you said you really wished me to sit down and chat awhile?" Scotty colored. "Why, certainly.

Hundreds of the better class natives are in the inclosure, and the walls and neighboring house-tops are swarming with an interested audience. There is a small plat of decently smooth ground, upon which I circle around for a few minutes, to as delighted an audience as ever collected in Bamum's circus.

He grinned, said maybe he would, folded the sheet of paper filled with what looked like a meaningless jumble of letters and figures, bought a plat of that township and begged some government pamphlets, and went out humming a little tune just above a whisper. At the door he tilted his hat down at an angle over his right eye and took long, eager steps toward an obscure hotel and his meagre baggage.