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"Yes," drawled Galway. "Then up with your gun quick! There! A bead on Ropey Smith!" Galway had the bead before Ropey could protest. "Give Ropey ten seconds to drop his gun or we will care for him at the same time as Pete'" Jack concluded. Ropey did not wait the ten seconds. He was over-prompt for the same reasons of temperament that made Pete Leddy prefer his own way of fighting.

And so once more, after going to all the trouble of bringing a deputy sheriff along, Blount found himself balked and his dreams of judgment and lien permanently banished to the limbo of lost hopes. Wiley's over-prompt payment had confused Blount for the moment and thrown him into a panic.

For the doctor was a man, she well knew, who was quite as nice and particular about dress and personal appearance as the late Mr. Himes had been. Doctor Wicker, aware that the lady's perturbation was increasing instead of diminishing, thought it wise not to press the matter at this moment. He felt that he had been, perhaps, a little over-prompt in making his proposition.

Many a faint-hearted man, when he began to jest, or only designed to ape gallantry, has been forced into earnest, by being over-prompt, and taken at his word, not knowing how to own that he meant less than the lady supposed he meant.

Messer Hugolin, a stout man, with crafty lines creased in his broad face, received his nephew with nominal cordiality and listened attentively to his story. But he was not over-prompt with either advice or offer of assistance, and Constans, with a sore heart, finally rose to go. "Don't be in a hurry," said his uncle, coolly. "Let me think this over again.

Possibly the "Of course," with which Marrineal responded to this reasonable suggestion, was just a little bit over-prompt. "Give me ten days. No: two weeks, and I'll be ready to show my wares. Where can I find you?" Marrineal gave a telephone address. "It isn't in the book," he said. "It will always get me between 9 A.M. and noon."

From his pocket he produced the paper-wrapped rose. "I was instructed to give it to you at some future time. Possibly, Señor, I am over-prompt. Lawyers and diplomats should be deliberate."