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Considerable care must have been spent on his education, for he certainly spoke English as well as French, and evidently understood German. He was fearless in battle, and, though over-fond of pleasure was, until his later years, energetic in all his undertakings.

"Hold! He is not appointed of the prince. He was Meneptah's choice and his alone," Nechutes interrupted. "It is rumored that Rameses is not over-fond of him." "He will be put to it to hold his high place in the face of the prince's disfavor," Kenkenes cogitated. "Nay, but he presses the prince hard for generalship. It must be so, since he could win the king's good will over the protest of Rameses.

The gods consume philosophers and the Christians together!” said Jucundus devoutly. “There’s little to choose between them, except that the Christians are the filthier animal of the two. But both are ruining the most glorious political structure that the world ever saw. I am not over-fond of Alexander either.” “Thank you in the name of philosophy,” said the Greek.

With a complexion that serves one such ill turns as mine does, one is not over-fond of facing people. I am beside her. For a moment we are both silent. "Well," say I, presently, with an unintentional tartness in my tone, "why do not you begin? I am waiting to hear all about it! Begin!" So Barbara begins.

"He seems," continued she, "by his letters, to be over-fond of that girl, Mary Stapleton and I sometimes think that she cares not a little for him; but she's never of one mind long. I didn't like to see her flaunting and flirting so with the soldiers, and at the same time Tom says that she writes that she cares for nobody but him."

Snagsby, twitching his head and right eyebrow towards the staircase and tapping his acquaintance on the button. "Ah, to be sure!" returns the other as if he were not over-fond of the subject. "I thought we had done with him."

I have told you, Richard, there has been no sensation in town equal to that of your Maryland beauty, since Lady Sarah Lennox. You may have some notion of the old beau Horry can be when he tries, and he is over-fond of Miss Dolly she puts him in mind of some canvas or other of Sir Peter's.

If therefore he is creditable and popular, he considers this, if the phrase may be pardoned, as something beyond his bargain; and he watches himself, with double care, lest he should grow over-fond of what he may be shortly called upon to relinquish.

Then he turned round to a neighbour, who, like himself, was not over-fond of cold water, and said, "I say, Jerome, which would you rather have, a glass of cold water, or a drap of good beer?" "I know which I would take," exclaimed Jerome; "I would like a drap of good beer best, I do know."

"It's glad I'ld be," said the Queen, "if we could be rid of the Sullivans and Naggeneen both at once, but I dunno what we'll do at all if the O'Briens go away." "I'm not over-fond of Naggeneen meself," said the King, "but it's a sharp bit of a boy he is, and I'm thinkin' he may not be far from right this time.