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Constantly beaten by the overwhelming power of Philippe II., he constantly rose again, always stronger after his defeats always organizing a new army to replace the scattered one, and always hailed as a liberator. In the midst of these alternate moral triumphs and physical defeats, William learned at Mons the news of the massacre of St. Bartholomew.

From infancy one sees the war of purposes and desires and the gradual rise of one purpose or set of purposes into dominance, in short, the growth of unity, the growth of personality. The common man calls this unity his soul, the philosopher speaks of the ego and implies some such thing as this organizing energy of character.

The eight years' warfare, full of varied vicissitudes, against the Celtic nation which was brave, although in a military point of view decidedly inferior to the Italian had given Caesar the opportunity of organizing his army as he alone knew how to organize it.

The Minnesota Venture Canadian Pacific Syndicate The Contract Political Opposition Terms of the Contract Organizing the Company Financing Construction In the months and years that followed, no men were so much in the mind and speech of the Canadian public as the members of the new syndicate. The leading members were a remarkable group of men.

The first attempt at organizing a fire brigade, was made by R.C. Knox in the fall of 1851. Mr. Knox raised a small sum of money by subscription, with which he purchased several ladders, and they were frequently brought into requisition by the little band of men whom Mr. Knox had associated with him. Mr.

Edward Henry's ignorance of affairs round about the centre of the universe was occasionally distressing to himself in particular. And just now he gravely blamed Mr. Marrier, who had neglected to post him about Isabel Joy. But how could Marrier honestly earn his three pounds a week if he was occupied night and day with the organizing and management of these precious dramatic soirées?

Hope definite hope of victory had hardly entered his mind before he was organizing and leading on such a campaign as Remsen City had never known in all its history and Remsen City was in a state where politics is the chief distraction of the people. Sleep left him; he had no need of sleep. Day and night his brain worked, pouring out a steady stream of ideas.

At first, in the plains, as they journeyed northward, the danger was from the Persian cavalry, for their own contingent had deserted to the enemy. This difficulty, which well-nigh ruined the 10,000, as it ruined Crassus in his retreat at Carrhæ, he met by organizing a corps of Rhodian slingers and archers, whose range was longer than that of the Persians, and who thus kept the cavalry in check.

Returning to the hall, those who had previously been delegates, or who had fitted themselves for the work while in jail, immediately took out credentials and started on an organizing campaign of the Northwest, with the uniting of the workers in the lumber industry as their main object.

A part of the legal army that rushed to the aid of our adversaries spent the afternoon and most of the night organizing all those who could be induced by one means or another to reverse their sentiments, and in searching for the few who had grievances against the existing power.