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It remains for me to ask your forgiveness for intruding upon your time and attention with the half-century-old real or fancied memories of a nonagenarian as contributions to the history of the most notable event in the annals of Biology that had followed the appearance in 1735 of the "Systema Naturæ" of Linnæus. Following Sir J. Hooker, the President, referring to Prof.

It is not hard to understand the feeling, never less called for than it was in the case of that beloved nonagenarian. I have known few persons, young or old, more sincerely and justly regretted than the gentle lady whose memory comes up before me as I write. Oh, if we could all go out of flower as gracefully, as pleasingly, as we come into blossom!

The most interesting portrait of Bancroft presents him as a nonagenarian, against this impressive background, at work to the last. The critics of our day minimise Bancroft and his school. History in that time walked in garments quite too flowing, it is said, and with an overdisplay of the Horatian purple patch.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. My worthy nonagenarian friend: your faculties are totally decayed. Could you not find me a guide of my own age? THE MAN. A young person? THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Certainly not. I cannot go about with a young person. THE MAN. Why? THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Why! Why!! Why!!! Have you no moral sense? THE MAN. I shall have to give you up. I cannot understand you.

To him; and to the nonagenarian Mondragon at Antwerp, the veteran Verdugo now called loudly for aides against the youthful pedant, whom all men had been laughing at a twelvemonth or so before. The Macedonian phalanx, Simon Stevinus and delving Dutch boors unworthy of the name of soldiers seemed to be steadily digging the ground from under Philip's feet in his hereditary domains.

To which the maid responded by throwing the gown over her mistress's shoulders, exclaiming at the same time, "Oh, fie, my lady! you ought to be ashamed of yourself to talk so at your age!" a rebuke which the nonagenarian beauty accepted with becoming humility.

To him; and to the nonagenarian Mondragon at Antwerp, the veteran Verdugo now called loudly for aides against the youthful pedant, whom all men had been laughing at a twelvemonth or so before. The Macedonian phalanx, Simon Stevinus and delving Dutch boors unworthy of the name of soldiers seemed to be steadily digging the ground from under Philip's feet in his hereditary domains.

To him; and to the nonagenarian Mondragon at Antwerp, the veteran Verdugo now called loudly for aides against the youthful pedant, whom all men had been laughing at a twelvemonth or so before. The Macedonian phalanx, Simon Stevinus and delving Dutch boors unworthy of the name of soldiers- -seemed to be steadily digging the ground from under Philip's feet in his hereditary domains.

Shaw, writing in the "Dictionary of National Biography," says: "Geniality and hospitality were the characteristics of the two sisters during their residence at Hampstead, and even when one became an octogenarian and the other a nonagenarian they could enter keenly into the various literary and scientific controversies of the day."

After that he rests for a fortnight and recuperates, and returns to take up a will case turning upon the toy rabbits and suchlike trifles which entertained the declining years of a nonagenarian. This, when we are assured that the country awaits Sir Edward as its Deliverer. It is as if Lord Kitchener took a month off to act at specially high rates for the "movies."