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II. p. 77. With some others he "was cast into a prison where the salt-fish lay, through the stink whereof the most part of them were infected; and the said Clark, being a tender young man, died in the same prison." Foxe, Vol. IV. p. 615. London to Warham: Rolls House MS. Petition of the Commons, Vol. I. cap. 3. Ibid.

"At least he can have no idea of the cause, and that is some comfort, for he is too honorable to open my letters." But just here a doubt flashed into her mind. "How do I know that he is honorable? Can any man be worthy of trust who holds nothing sacred, and sneers at all religions? No; he has no conscience; and yet " She sighed and went back to her MS., and though for a while St.

And so it happened that I very nearly lost the MS., advanced now to the first words of the ninth chapter, in the Friedrichstrasse Poland, or more precisely to Ukraine. On an early, sleepy morning changing trains in a hurry I left my Gladstone bag in a refreshment-room. A worthy and intelligent Koffertrager rescued it.

Rambure, MS. Mém. vol. i. pp. 276, 277. Albert de Bellièvre was the second son of the celebrated Chancellor Pomponne de Bellièvre and of Marie Prunier, demoiselle de Grignon. He was a distinguished classic and an elegant scholar. Having become Archbishop of Lyons, he subsequently transferred that dignity to his younger brother Claude, and retired to his abbey of Jouy, where he died in 1621.

This, which, it has been stated, is the First Florence MS., I take to be the identical one that came out of the Abbey of Corvey through the hands of Arcimboldi, because, like its mendacious brother, the Second Florence, it bears upon it the unmistakable stamp of an impudent forgery.

Clement played it at sight without rehearsal, and, as a consequence of its being brought forward in such a slipshod manner, it was very seldom heard until its revival by Joachim. The MS. shows that the solo part was the object of much thought and alteration by the composer, but evidently after the first performance.

It is also interesting as containing, in the MS. in the British Museum, a drawing of Chaucer, from which all subsequent portraits have been taken. Poet, etc., b. in New York, s. of a lawyer, was bred to the same profession, but early deserted it for literature.

The house is famous for the magnificent collection of works of art, early printed books and ancient illuminated MS.; permission to inspect these may be obtained by written application when the family are not in residence and for purposes of research this important collection is always available. Some time since the most valuable items were removed to the British Museum for safety.

And Lady Marnell, tired of the hollow glitter of high life, and finding few or none in her own sphere with whom she could complacently associate, went back with fresh zest to her baby and the book. These descriptions are taken from the invaluable illuminations in Creton's Histoire du Roy Richart Deux, Harl. Ms. 1319. Creton was a contemporary and personal friend of King Richard.

Is there any MS I could read and perhaps presume to offer a little advice upon? It would make me very happy that is, if you have sufficient confidence in me."