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He then removed his hat, and I discovered that it was of straw, and, also, that he was very bald. My pity for the man was all gone in a moment. It could not be that he had no other hat, for he was dressed well enough to own twenty hats. I never found out what his reason was for wearing such a hat in the winter. I fell to moralizing presently; but I will not here write down my reflections.

She then proceeded to disrobe, murmuring to herself that she could stop now, and could stop now, at each stage of the advance to a fresh dressing of her person, and moralizing on her singular fate, in the mouth of an observer.

Is not this indeed, to understand charity well? Is there not, dear Madame, something truly evangelical in this delicacy which abstains from sermon, from moralizing, from allusions? and is not the truest pity, when a man has a sore point, not to touch it at all? It has seemed to me that this might have been my brother's private thought.

Of course this is fiction only in seeming and by courtesy, almost as far removed from the Novel as the same author's mammoth dictionary or Lives of the Poets. It has Richardson's method of moralizing, while lacking that writer's power of studying humanity in its social relations. The sturdy genius of Dr. Johnson lay in quite other directions.

A ball itself could not have been more welcome to Catherine than this little excursion, so strong was her desire to be acquainted with Woodston; and her heart was still bounding with joy when Henry, about an hour afterwards, came booted and greatcoated into the room where she and Eleanor were sitting, and said, "I am come, young ladies, in a very moralizing strain, to observe that our pleasures in this world are always to be paid for, and that we often purchase them at a great disadvantage, giving ready-monied actual happiness for a draft on the future, that may not be honoured.

Poor jackanapes! Here is the body of a woman who was nearly as old as myself, and perhaps wiser, and here am I moralizing over it as if I were God Almighty and she a baby! The more you remind a man of what he is, the more conceited he becomes. Monstrous! I shall feel immortal presently." He touched the cheek with a faint attempt at roughness, to feel how cold it was.

"The aunt by that time had begun to talk of something else, and it was doubtful if Christine's moralizing had been even accorded a hearing. It was her remark, however the aunt's remark, I mean about travel enlarging the mind, that gave the youngest Brimley Bomefield her great idea for the showing-up of Roger.

Vanderhoff; she never is really dressed up, but I have not yet seen her when she was not well dressed for the occasion." "Faith, if you get to moralizing I shall go distracted! Where did we put our jeweled hat pins? I've looked and looked, and oh, there they are right under my nose. Goodness! is that a rap? Ah, is it you, Miss Bess? Come right in. How fine you look in your shore clothes!"

The feeling of suffocation Ledyard had managed to create, returned to him. He grew nervous, ill at ease, and fearful. Then he fell to moralizing. He was not often given to that, or introspection. Longing and alternate hope and despair had been his comrades and bedfellows, but he rarely indulged in calm consideration.

I passed on, flattered but scandalized, wasting no guesses on how she knew me if she really knew me at all but taking my revenge by moralizing on her, to myself, as a sign of the times, until brigade headquarters were in full view, a few rods off the road; four or five good, white wall-tents in a green bit of old field backed by a thicket of young pines.