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Working from Ujiji and other bases, they attacked some of the expeditions sent by the Congo Free State. The forces of the Congo Free State, led by Commandants Dhanis and Lothaire, and by Captain S.L. Hinde, finally worsted the Arabs after two long and wearisome campaigns waged on the Upper Congo. Into the details of the war it is impossible to enter.

To say nothing touching the agency of individual and independent forces, which is always considerable, although so many men of intellect ignore it in the present day, what would have happened, had any one of the three new kings, Lothaire, or Louis the Germanic, or Charles the Bald, been a second Charlemagne, as Charlemagne had been a second Charles Martel?

Richard was accordingly conducted to Montleon, and made the companion of the two young princes, Lothaire and Carloman, and for some time no more was heard respecting him in Normandy.

Can you speak only your own heathen tongue?" continued Lothaire. "The Norman is no heathen tongue!" said Richard, at once breaking silence in a loud voice. "We are as good Christians as you are ay, and better too." "Hush! hush! my Lord!" said Osmond. "What now, Sir Duke," again interfered the King, in an angry tone, "are you brawling already?

Lothaire was standing between his father and mother on their throne-like seat, leaning against the Queen, who had her arm round him; his face was red and glazed with tears, and he still shook with subsiding sobs. It was evident he was just recovering from a passionate crying fit. "How is this?" began the King, as Richard entered. "What means this conduct, my Lord of Normandy?

Now, the race of Lothaire is extinct, therefore you are the only true heirs of the throne." "What do you say to that, brother?" cried the cardinal. "I say, that unluckily there exists in France a law they call the Salic law, which destroys all our pretensions." "I expected that objection, monseigneur," said David, but what is the first example of the Salic law?"

Fru Astrida would not leave him, and Father Lucas shared her watch. At midnight, all were wakened by the slow notes, falling one by one on the ear, of the solemn passing-bell, calling them to waken, that their prayers might speed a soul on its way. Richard and Lothaire were soon at the bedside. Carloman lay still asleep, his hands folded on his breast, but his breath came in long gasps.

After four or five months of tentative measures or of incidents which taught both parties that they could not, either of them, hope to completely destroy their opponents, the two allied brothers received at Verdun, whither they had repaired to concert their next movement, a messenger from Lothaire, with peaceful proposals which they were unwilling to reject.

The next forward step in the advance of the bishops to temporal power was made probably about the time of Charles the Bald; though under his two immediate predecessors, Lothaire and Lewis II., we already see indications of an extension of the quality of exemption to include freedom from the payment of all public dues and the bearing of all public burdens.

It really hurt him a good deal, and, in a furious rage, he caused two nails to be heated red hot in the fire, intending to have them thrust into the poor bird's eyes. "I will not have it done!" exclaimed Richard, expecting to be obeyed as he was at home; but Lothaire only laughed scornfully, saying, "Do you think you are master here, Sir pirate?" "I will not have it done!" repeated Richard.