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You could not avoid the dangers of this wilderness easily without a guide. Besides, I do not mean to enter the capital. I will merely guide you to within sight of it and then leave you. Fortunately you require no assistance from natives, not being encumbered with this world's goods." "Das troo; ha, ha-a!" cried Ebony, opening his portentous mouth and shutting his eyes, "we've got no luggidge."

And she cried: "Ha-a; Ha-a! When your father beat me, I always ran in there. Go to the one up above." And now the boy made his face fierce, and thrust in his head at the doorway, and all those inside fell down dead with fright. He would have beaten his father, but his father had died long since. Then he went down again to the bottom of the sea.

"Ha! ha-a!" laughed Sam through a mouthful of pie-crust. "Ho! ho!" cried the old woman, with a look of surprise, "yous bery brav boy, I dessay, but if dem roberts doos kum back, you soon laugh on wrong side ob de mout', for dey screw yous limbses off, an' ho! skrunch yous teeth hout, an' roast you 'live, so you better heat w'at yous can an' go hof fast as you couldn't."

"O God!" thought I, "and all this is done for the amelioration of the condition of the Christians in Turkey!" "Ha! ha-a!" shouted a voice near me, as if in mockery of my thought. It was more like that of a fiend than a man. I turned quickly.

"There; oh! ha-a! not so hard," groaned the unfortunate man, as his friend laved the water on his lacerated back. In a few minutes the salt was washed out of the wounds, and Nehow began to feel easier. "Where is Menalee?" he asked, abruptly, as he sat down under the deep shadow of a banyan-tree. "In his master's hut, I suppose," answered Timoa.

Dey tinks me alone wid Bungo an' Letta, ho! ho! but me's got cumpiny dis day. Sit down an' grub wat yous can. Doo you good. Doo Letta and Bungo good. Doos all good. Fire away! Ha! ha-a! Keep you's nose out o' dat pie, Bungo, you brute. Vous git sik eff you heat more."

"Ha-a!" he roared, and his head bent slowly and his voice fell to a low rumble as he continued. "'Tis an evil time in Jerusalem. I weary of this long fight with traitors. They grind their points; they stir poison; they swarm in the streets. They rob me of my friends, and now now they seek alliance with Jehovah to rob me of my throne. 'Tis well you should know and beware.