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His hands might be sore too, but he was rather proud of it than otherwise, and his hero worship of Kit Smallbones made him run on errands, tug at the bellows staff, or fetch whatever was called for with a bright alacrity that won the foremen's hearts, and it was noted that he who was really a gentleman, had none of the airs that Giles Headley showed.

For a recent statistical study of the subject see an article by Ogburn and Kelley in the Journal of the American Statistical Ass'n. for September, 1916. See D. A. McCabe, page 54, and 162-3 for a review of trade union policy in this matter, "The Standard Rate in American Trade Unions." Case of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company vs. Federated Engine Drivers' and Foremen's Association of Australia.

His hands might be sore too, but he was rather proud of it than otherwise, and his hero worship of Kit Smallbones made him run on errands, tug at the bellows staff, or fetch whatever was called for with a bright alacrity that won the foremen's hearts, and it was noted that he who was really a gentleman, had none of the airs that Giles Headley showed.

"We won't either of us be in for a little while yet. But you turn in now -at once -instanter!" Then Tom bounded over to the little porch before the foremen's barracks, where he pounded lustily on the door. "Who's there? What's wanted?" demanded a sleepy voice from the inside. "Is that you, Evarts?" called Reade. "Yes, sir." "Get on your duds and turn out as quickly as you can."

London was divided into four districts, each district containing several fire stations, and being presided over by a foreman. From Watling Street the news was telegraphed to the foremen's stations, whence it was transmitted to the stations of their respective districts, so that in a few minutes after the breaking out of a fire the fact was known to the firemen all over London.

"It's allus best to get an imported foreman, an' not have any jealousy; but confound you, I pay six men on this place foremen's wages an' you're one of 'em." "Six?" sez I. "Yes, I raised Bill Andrews' pay last week. He does more work than any of you, an' he ain't all the time growlin'. He won't never have any friends either, so if I was to choose a foreman he'd be my pick."

"Our friend is not quite so gracious as he has been on former meetings," thought Tom, as he led the way inside. "I wonder if he is going to get cranky?" Inside was a little office room, as in the foremen's barracks. "Any decent cigars here?" questioned Mr. Bascomb, after exploring his own pockets and finding them innocent of tobacco. "No, sir," Tom answered. "No one here smokes."

One of the two offered me a cigar, and after lighting it, I did remember hearing one of my boys say that among the herds lying over on the head of Stinking Water was an "Open A" and "Drooping T," but I was unable to recall the owner's or foremen's names.