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In Paris, in 1854, there were only 4,206 registered 'filles publiques, when the population of the city numbered 1,500,000 persons; while those who exercised their calling clandestinely were variously computed at 20,000 or 40,000 and upwards to 60,000. Accurate statistics relating to the population of any Italian city in the fifteenth century do not, unfortunately, exist.

"Jeanne a ton miroir tu t'habilles! Mon coeur un beau jour s'envola. Je crois que c'est Jeanne qui l'a. Ou vont les belles filles, Lon la. "Le soir, en sortant des quadrilles, Je montre aux etoiles Stella, Et je leur dis: 'Regardez-la. Ou vont les belles filles, Lon la." Gavroche, as he sang, was lavish of his pantomime. Gesture is the strong point of the refrain.

But for him 'les tavernes et les filles' of Laval meant a veritable paradise, and his sojourn in the country is proof enough of a limited cunning. Had he been more richly endowed, Paris had been the theatre of his crimes. As it is, he goes down to posterity as the Man in the Grey Suit, and the best friend the cabmen of Laval ever knew. Them, indeed, he left inconsolable.

He had held himself modestly aloof, occupied with confirming new Catholics in their conversion or with preaching to the Protestants of Poitou; he had written nothing but his Traite de l'Education des Filles, intended for the family of the Duke of Beauvilliers, and a book on the ministere du pasteur.

The only city throughout France that welcomed the Inquisition was among the first to open a Lycee pour jeunes filles. In accordance with the acts of 1880-82 public day schools for girls were opened throughout France; that of Toulouse being fairly representative, I will describe my visit.

Behold both Nitouche and the trembling peasant-girl, together with the brasses as evidence, all could be brought at an instant's call, into the open court. Were the maids were Marianne or Lizette neglecting their work to flirt with the coachmen in the sheds yonder? "Allons, mes filles doucement, la-bas et vos lits? qui les fait les bons saints du paradis, peut-etre?"

Consequently, whilst among polygamous nations every woman is provided for, where monogamy prevails the number of married women is limited; and there remains over a large number of women without stay or support, who, in the upper classes, vegetate as useless old maids, and in the lower succumb to hard work for which they are not suited; or else become filles de joie, whose life is as destitute of joy as it is of honor.

M. Vanot, commandant of battalion, warded off a blow aimed by a wretch against the King; a grenadier of the Filles Saint Thomas parried a sword-thrust made in the same direction. Madame Elisabeth ran to her brother's apartments; when she reached the door she heard loud threats of death against the Queen: they called for the head of the Austrian.

He becomes a more ingenious romancer, a more delicate psychologist. If some of his sketches are realistic, we must consider that realism is not intended 'pour les jeunes filles du pensiannat'.

It was my lord the count, his lady, and my young master, followed by a regular bevy of women and filles de chambre. Far in advance of all, however, was my lord with a drawn sword in his hand, shouting, 'Where is the wretch who has dishonoured my son, where is he?