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"Do you expect a horse to be leather all through, Master? Of course he is. Saddle and all smashed to bits." Then a dull anger took me that he thought of the horse only, as it seemed, unless he was mazed as I was with it all. "The man the man," I said. "There is no man here, Master.

The life in Mrs. Hamley's heated and scented room would not be good for the girl; Osborne and Roger Hamley would be at home, and he did not wish Molly to be thrown too exclusively upon them for young society; or they would not be at home, and it would be rather dull and depressing for his girl to be all the day long with a nervous invalid. But at length the day came when Mr.

Legislators by the hundred, who were hounded from politics into their graves; a half-hundred aldermen of various councils who were driven grumbling or whining into the limbo of the dull, the useless, the commonplace.

She was no longer transparent and so thick was the mud upon her that no one could see her pink brains or her ruby heart. In this condition they led the pussy back to the tent and then got inside their cage again. By morning the mud had dried hard on the Glass Cat and it was a dull blue color throughout.

Thence after dinner to a play, to see "The Generall;" which is so dull and so ill-acted, that I think it is the worst. I ever saw or heard in all my days.

For never now, either by stealth or openly, did he read that book. Yet here was this plain, honest soldier, many called him dull, for whom a word from one he loved was sufficient; he took the book as if that word were law. And the looks, the jests, which Frank had feared, were nothing to him. Ashamed, remorseful, angry with himself, the boy lay thinking what he should do.

He said nothing that was not justifiable. But it is impossible for a man so to guard his lips that his language shall not sometimes be misunderstood by dull men, and sometimes misrepresented by dishonest men.

The King of England brought seven dollars, and his prime minister nine; whereas the king was easily worth twelve dollars and I as easily worth fifteen. But that is the way things always go; if you force a sale on a dull market, I don't care what the property is, you are going to make a poor business of it, and you can make up your mind to it. If the earl had had wit enough to

Without imagination and even without enthusiasm, he kept on with a dull laborious persistency.

He was about to take it, with a blush, when Charles struck it out of my hand and stepped on it. "Are you ready now?" he said, in a quick voice. I declared it was nothing, when I found I was too ill to rise the next morning. At the end of three days, as I still felt a disinclination to get up, Alice sent for her physician. I told him I was sleepy and felt dull pains.