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I found that without going out of my way, I could pass the residence of the prince, where I believed Zara to be peacefully sleeping, for I knew that Durnief must have suffered arrest before there was opportunity for him to carry out the czar's order.

When he arrived at Copenhagen he wrote a letter to prince Dolgorouki, the czar's ambassador at the court of Denmark, signifying that he and the king's envoy at Stockholm were vested with full powers to act jointly or separately in quality of plenipotentiaries, in order to effect a peace between Sweden and Muscovy, in the way of mediation.

He bargains with Britain that his army there may be revictualled, and so words his claim that troops can easily be sent also. He seeks to inflame the Czar's wrath against the English maritime code. His success for the time is complete.

Ministers deferred to the Czar's angry declaration that he would allow no inquiry into the action of General Komaroff. This alone was a most mischievous precedent, as it tended to inflate Russian officers with the belief that they could safely set at defiance the rules of international law.

At that moment an eagle appeared, hovering over the Czar's head. It was struck by a shot from a musket. Peter took the wounded bird, set it on his wrist, and departed in a boat to inspect the neighborhood. This occurred on May 16, 1703. History adds that the Swedish prisoners employed on the work died in thousands. The most indispensable tools were lacking.

I have known eminent Russians to do that from fear of the Czar's secret agents." Hugh could not but remember how some of the people chose to believe old Mr. Dugdale was keeping in hiding from some far less honorable cause; but of course he did not say anything about that.

This satisfied them for the present, but the governor sent to inform us, that if any of us had done it, we should make all the haste away possible, while he kept them in play as long as he could. Upon this we marched two days and two nights, stopping but very little, till at last we arrived at a village called Plothus, and hasted to Jerawena, another of the Czar's colonies.

The murder of the court favorite, the infamous monk Rasputin, only intensified the reaction, though its story and sequel showed significantly how far many members of the Imperial family were from supporting the reigning head and his consort in the policy which was jeopardizing the dynasty. But the Czar's political blindness was incurable.

It is the devolution of Moral Responsibility into organized iniquity and characterizes primordial Passion released from sentiment and law, and it was the necessary camouflage of the diarist in his struggle for life and in his efforts to promote the Czar's escape.

It lies in your power to prevent it and we beseech you, in the name of twenty thousand of the Czar's faithful subjects, who are now crowded in Kief, to vouchsafe us your gracious protection." The Governor listened impatiently. When Mendel had finished speaking, he said: "I do not see how I can help you.