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Next thing you know he'll be out behind a cedar bush with a shotgun loaded with slugs, waitin' to make a lead mine o' some feller wearin' blue clothes. You see him before he does you, and he'll swear that he was out after the crows that's bin pullin' up his corn.

Not a soul is seen in this place, but a few broken-winded parsons, waddling like so many crows along the North Parade. Boswell had soon to return to London 'to eat commons in the Inner Temple. Delighted with Bath, and apparently pleasing himself with the thought of a brilliant career at the Bar, he wrote to Temple, 'Quin said, "Bath was the cradle of age, and a fine slope to the grave."

The voyagers were now out of range of Crows and Black-feet; but they were approaching the country of the Rees, or Arickaras; a tribe no less dangerous; and who were, generally, hostile to small parties. In passing through their country, Wyeth laid by all day, and drifted quietly down the river at night.

Too big and too grown-up for the young crows whom they visited in their nests and tormented till driven away by the indignant parents they had no associates but each other. So they followed their own whims; and the flock was philosophically indifferent as to what might happen to them. "You must not think, however, that they did not learn anything, these two. They were sharp.

Shrive thyself, thou vile knave, for I mean that thou shalt hang this day, and that where three roads meet, so that all men shall see thee hang, for carrion crows and daws to peck at." "O thou dastard heart!" cried Will Stutely, gnashing his teeth at the Sheriff. "Thou coward hind! If ever my good master meet thee thou shalt pay dearly for this day's work!

The victims were carried to the settlement, and the very day they were consigned to their grave, the Shoshones started for the land of the Crows. The results of the expedition I have mentioned already.

Carmichael went out to shoot game; there were kangaroos, and in the way of birds there were emus, crows, hawks, quail, and bronze-winged pigeons; but all we got from his expedition was nil. The horses now being somewhat refreshed by our stay here, we proceeded across the little plain towards another high bluff hill, which loomed over the surrounding country to the west-north-west.

But for this neutralizing element in their composition perhaps they would live as long as crows or elephants, and we should be visited by a succession of stupid Old Parrs; which would be a very dreadful dispensation indeed.

The other, Pontiac, a good horse, though of plebeian lineage, stood with his head drooping and his mane hanging about his eyes, with the grieved and sulky air of a lubberly boy sent off to school. Poor Pontiac! his forebodings were but too just; for when I last heard from him, he was under the lash of an Ogallalla brave, on a war party against the Crows.

"How old are you?" "Twelve, sir." "Can you read?" "Yes, sir." "Write?" "Y-e-s, sir." "Spell?" The child hesitated. "I I can spell some." "Don't you know it is a serious thing to be a judge?" "Yes, sir." "You must be a lawyer first." "Yes, sir." "It is hard work." "Yes, sir." "And sometimes it's no better than farming for crows." The boy shook his head. "It's cleaner work, sir." The judge laughed.