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He had filled in the blanks with his name and description of his person; and at the foot were very conspicuous the signatures of two residents of the rue de la Pompe a tavern-keeper, and a friend of the concierge. The district Commissary of Police, with stamp and seal, had guaranteed the respectability of these honorable witnesses.

Put a cap with a gold band on his head and he would really have made an ideal concierge. Even without the band, he concentrated in his person all the superiority, the repose, and exasperating reticence of that necessary concomitant of Continental hotel life. Suddenly I noticed a more eager expression on his face.

My commonplace scheme was, after all, effective, for in the second shop we asked at the woman behind the counter acknowledged that she knew him. She was not certain where he lived, but it was in one of the three houses opposite. Luck favoured us, and in the first we tried the concierge told us that we should find him on the top floor. "It appears that he's ill," said Stroeve.

Well, after that I went back and nearly knocked the door down. And that was no good; I didn't get a word. The concierge swore they were in, and they wouldn't so much as answer me. Now I call that too almighty hard, and I'd like to know what in thunder they all mean by it." "By Jove! odd, too."

Nat as the door swung open and a glimpse of a wide, paved inner courtyard made an interesting background for the respectable, stout elderly woman who, like the concierge abroad, guarded the entrance.

A walk in company with his friend, Maxime de Brevan; a visit to the theatre, when a particularly fine piece was to be given; and two or three calls a week at Count Ville-Handry's house, these were his sole and certainly very harmless amusements. "A genuine old maid, that sailor is," said the concierge of the house.

Rateau, disconsolate, let the feather duster fall from his listless hand. "The devil! Then, in spite of her age, your wife had needs which you were unable to satisfy?" The concierge shook his head and finally succeeded in saying, "It was the other way around."

But before I commence work I had better arrange for my retreat. Let me see....have I had sufficient time to rouse the doctor and be dismissed by him? Not yet....a few minutes more." At the end of ten minutes, he descended the stairs, grumbling noisily about the doctor. The concierge opened the door for him and heard it click behind him.

At that moment the door was pushed a little way open, and the figure of Juve appeared. "May I come in?" said he. It was three o'clock when Juve arrived at the rue Lévert, and he found the concierge of number 147 just finishing her coffee. Amazed at the results achieved by the detective, the details of which she had learned from the sensational articles in the daily paper she most affected, Mme.

She looked at me. "Sent for her?" she repeated. "Isn't she here in Paris?" "She is in Interlaken, at the Victoria. Didn't the concierge tell you?" "He told us she was not here, at this hotel, at present. He said she had gone away with some friends. But we took it for granted she was in Paris. I told them I would stay until she came. I interrupted. "Stay until she comes!" I repeated.