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"Your description is not unjust; indeed, it is quite accurate from a mere outer point of view; yet beneath her vivacious manner I have found her thoughtful, and possessed of deep spiritual yearnings. In the East she was a communicant of the Episcopal Church." Brant did not answer him at once.

Also you are most of you communicants, and you know that it is impossible to be a communicant and to "let yourself go" in these ways. You have duties in the holidays as well as in school time. It is wrong to spend two months in self-indulgence without any self-discipline. You must open your eyes to your duties, practising, sensible reading, tidiness, and daily unselfishness.

While I was untying a piece of holly from the electric-light cords on the ceiling and a patient was holding the ladder for me, a young padre came and pretended to help us, but while he stood with us he whispered to the patient, "Are you a communicant?" I felt a wave of heat and anger; I could have dropped the holly on him.

'Percy, I did not imagine he would use it make use of it as he has done. 'Not? And when he paid for it? 'I fancied it would be merely of general service if any. 'Distributed; I see: not leading to the exposure of the communicant! 'You are harsh; but I would not have you milder. The meekness of such a mischief-doer was revolting and called for the lash. 'Do me the favour to name the sum.

In much the same way, a daily communicant may say: "It is of my own accord and wish that I receive daily, but it is God's predilection that has prompted me to this design, given me the opportunity and strength of purpose to carry it out, and keeps me faithful to it, so that it is by His grace and Providence that I am a daily communicant."

Procuring their food almost always at the hazard of their lives, instances of wonderful preservations were not uncommon among the Esquimaux, and their observations on their deliverances had generally a pious simplicity, which rendered them extremely pleasant. This year, Ephraim, a communicant, went with five others to catch seals at the edge of the ice, about sixty miles from Nain.

"It shall not be carried out of the church, but the priest and such others of the communicants as he shall call unto him shall, immediately after the blessing, reverently eat and drink the same." In the mind of the Rev. Samuel, Mr. Windle was that other communicant. "What shall I do?" he began, directly the devout warden entered. Mr. Windle was beaming with good nature.

Further, names should be removable for any scandalous offences. It is easy to see that the 'communicant franchise' would work entirely in favour of that party in the Church which attaches the greatest importance to that Sacrament. It would exclude a large number of Protestant laymen who subscribe to Church funds, and who on any other franchise would have a share in its government.

The pleasures of society and the world are decried, and the charms of peace, devotion, and spiritual exercises eulogized, until the excited imagination of the communicant leaves her no rest, before she has returned to the convent and taken the veil as a nun.

They requested that the monthly "speaking" should be abolished; that Brethren should be allowed to serve in the army; that the American Provincial Helpers' Conference should be allowed to make appointments without consulting the German U.E.C.; that the congregations should be allowed to elect their own committees without using the Lot; that all adult communicant members should be entitled to a vote; that the use of the Lot should be abolished in marriages, in applications for membership, and in the election of deputies to the General Synod; and, finally, that at least one member of the U.E.C. should know something about American affairs.