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They stopped one morning in the mouth of a clear creek that flowed into the Mississippi, and decided to spend the day in making repairs, a general cleaning-up, and a search for fresh food. It was the universal opinion that they would profit more by such a halt than by pushing on regardless of everything. It was a beautiful spot in which they lay.

But there was someone who hadn't seen the Christmas tree. It was the little grey spider! You see, the spiders lived in the corners, the warm corners of the sunny attic and the dark corners of the nice cellar. And they were expecting to see the Christmas Tree as much as anybody. But just before Christmas a great cleaning-up began in the house.

"Why?" snapped Smith. "Because I was there before, six months ago or so just before your present return to England and I knew what to expect." Smith looked up with some faint dawning of interest perceptible in his manner. "I was unaware," he said with a slight smile, "that the cleaning-up of haunted houses came within the province of New Scotland Yard. I am learning something."

"I wouldn't go in there, not to collect the rent! It's catching, ain't it?" "In all probability it is a contagious or zymotic disease." The politician shook his head, much impressed, as it was intended he should be. "Cleaning-up time for you, I guess, O'Farrell," pursued the other. "All right, if you say so. But I won't have any Board o' Health snitches bossing it.

Mr Sudberry had, for some time past, talked of a long walking excursion with the whole family to a certain small loch or tarn among the hills. Mrs Sudberry had made up her mind, first, that she would not go; and second, that she would get everyone else to go, in order to let Mrs Brown and Hobbs have a thorough cleaning-up of the house.

I ain't so green as I look by no manner o' means. I've been doing my own housekeeping for four terms." "I know all about that," laughed the girl. "You young men rooming do precious little cooking and no dish-washing at all." "That's a base calumny! I made it a point to wash every dish in the house, except the spider, once a week; had a regular cleaning-up day." "And about the spider?"

If necessary, quarantine every building that's suspected." "Why, what do you think the disease is?" cried Hollenbeck, taken aback by the positiveness of Hal's speech. "Do you tell me. You've come here to give directions." "Something in the nature of malaria," said Hollenbeck, recovering himself. "So there's no call for extreme measures. The Old Home Week Committee will look after the cleaning-up.

William's desk always looked to be over-crowded, and was never neat. Periodically, the lad had a cleaning-up day, but he never seemed to make much headway in getting rid of the assorted mass of newspaper and magazine clippings that he accumulated with avidity. It was an amazing collection, and every bit of reading in it, and every picture, referred to comedians; always comedians.

Bundles were restrapped, the damp provisions laid out in the sun, and the clothing of the party, even to the most intimate garment, was taken down to the river to be refreshed and furbished up. A common disaster had created a common cause amongst the whole troop, and with one accord everybody peons, mozos, interpreters, bark-strippers and gentlemen set in motion a grand cleaning-up day.

There were many of those things which, small in themselves, count for much, that her busy brain planned to do during the time taken up in the necessary overhauling. This cleaning-up process had taken several days, interrupted as it was by the ordinary daily routine.