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"Oh, I think that's the wonderfulest plan ever made," exclaimed Gyp rapturously Gyp, who with her mother had visited some of the most fashionable summer and winter resorts. "I want to sleep up on where is it, Jerry and see the sunrise. How will we ever exist until school's over!" "Examinations will help us do that," laughed Isobel. "And Class-day and Commencement.

The school year was fast drawing to a close, and every student was busy preparing for examinations and annual exercises, and also looking forward to the pleasurable excitement attending class-day ceremonies, entertainments, receptions, etc.

The Old Gentleman's friends procured him tickets to several of the more important functions. From the gallery of Memorial Hall Vandover and his father saw some of the great dinners; they went up to New London for the boat-race; they gained admittance to the historic Yard on Class-day, and saw the strange football rush for flowers around the "Tree."

The evening of Class-day is a fitting close of the gay festivities at Smith College. At the evening reception, George was introduced to many of Gertrude's class-mates, and some of her intimate friends whispered, "Mr. Ingram and Gertrude must be engaged! What a handsome pair they will make."

To this honest meal we sat comfortably down at long tables, and served one another from the dishes put before us. There was not the ambitious variety of salads and sweets and fruits and ices, which I have seen at Harvard Class-Day spreads, but there were the things that stay one more wholesomely and substantially, and one was not obliged to eat standing and hold one's plate.

Then she blushed at having allowed her absorption to be noticed, exchanged one soft and rapid glance with the wounded man, and fled with the vision of him still before her eyes. The next day was not a class-day, but Ginevra came to the studio, and the prisoner was free to sit beside her easel.

"I'll tell you what I want," he said, as they went along. "Let's go down by the old bridge at the pond, and if there's nobody about I'd like to have you do me the favour of listening while I spout my class-day oration. Would you mind?" "I shall be delighted," answered Evelyn, and this program was carried out accordingly.

The Ravens, who were in the group, suddenly looked at one another. "It won't be fair if Ginny wins the Award," was the thought they flashed. The records for the contest were posted the day before Class-day the last day of the examinations. A large group of boys and girls, eagerly awaiting them, pressed and elbowed about the bulletin board in the corridor while Barbara Lee nailed them to the wall.

The question is often asked, "What becomes of all the Valedictorians and all the Class-Day Poets?" I can give information as to two parties for whom this inquiry is made the Valedictorian of my class is now a most industrious and worthy floor-walker in Siegel, Cooper & Company's store, and I was the Class-Day Poet. Both of us had our eyes fixed on the Goal.

If, now, the festivities of Commencement and of the Alumni Association are public, by what token shall one know that the festivities of Class-Day, which have every appearance of being just as public, are in reality a family affair, and strictly private? I have spoken of waltzing. The propriety of my speaking must stand or fall with the previous count.