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Goethe translated Cellini's book into German and paid the doughty Italian the compliment of saying that he did the task out of pure enjoyment, and incidentally to improve his literary style. Cellini is not exactly like us, and when we read his book we all give thanks that we are not like him, but every trait that he had large, we have in little.

"I know!" I interrupted her. "He wrote the 'Letters of a Dead Musician." "Yes," said Zara. "I suppose you saw the book at Raffaello's studio. Good Raffaello Cellini! his is another absolutely ungrudging and unselfish spirit. But this musician that I speak of was like a child in humility and reverence. Casimir told me he had never sounded so perfect a nature.

And it WILL be said by many oracular, long-established newspapers, while Cellini lives. As soon as he is dead ah! c'est autre chose! he will then most probably be acknowledged the greatest master of the age. There may even be a Cellini 'School of Colouring, where a select company of daubers will profess to know the secret that has died with him. It is the way of the world!" Mr.

When peace at last was signed, Cellini paid a visit to Florence, and found that his father and some other relatives had died of plague. His brother Cecchino, however, who was a soldier in the Bande Nere of Giovanni de' Medici, and his sister Liperata survived.

"Yes; it was the work of the famous Benvenuto Cellini, made for Pope Clement the Seventh, for his own communion-chalice. Your father priced it at three thousand pounds. In his last moments, when his mind was wandering, he fancied it the Holy Grail He had it in the bed with him when he died; that I know." "And it is missing?" "Perhaps Dawtie could tell us what has become of it.

However, I am not going to enlarge on Benvenuto's many talents, but to tell you of a wonderful adventure which befell him in the very Castle of St. Angelo he had helped to defend. Those were lawless days, and Cellini was a man of fiery temper, to whom blows came more naturally than patience and forbearance.

Cellini was a blend of lackey, child, and genius. He left Francis I in order to serve Cosimo and never ceased to regret the change. The Perseus was his greatest accomplishment for Cosimo, and the narrative of its casting is terrific and not a little like Dumas.

To avoid disturbance, the latter process was conducted in a pit dug immediately under the furnace, from which the liquid metal was to be introduced by pipes and apertures into the mould prepared for it. Cellini had purchased and laid in several loads of pine-wood, in anticipation of the process of casting, which now began.

"I will say nothing of the server," he remarked, "though it is said to have been wrought by the old mad Florentine, Benvenuto Cellini. But, Mr. Lovel, our ancestors drank sack you, who admire the drama, know where that's to be found. Here's success to your exertions at Fairport, sir!"

"And what are those theories?" I asked, becoming deeply interested in the conversation. Cellini was silent for a minute or so; he seemed absorbed in a sort of inward communion with himself. Then he spoke with impressiveness and gravity: "In this world, mademoiselle, there are no two natures alike, yet all are born with a small portion of Divinity within them, which we call the Soul.