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On the other side of the stranger, whose chair was in front of the middle of the fire-place, sat the school-master, Andrew Cardly by name; a middle-aged man of sober and attentive aspect, and very glad when chance threw in his way a book he had not read, or a stranger who could reinforce his stock of information.

"Mr. Cardly," here interrupted Mr. Harberry, "how long does it take to count a million?" "That depends," said the school-master, "on the rapidity of the calculator; some calculators count faster than others. An ordinary boy, counting two hundred a minute, would require nearly three days and a half to count a million." "Very good," said Mr. Harberry; "please go on with your story, sir."

The fact was there wasn't anything to do, and so after a while I managed to get asleep, which was a great comfort." "Mr. Cardly," said Mr. Harberry to the schoolmaster, "what reason can you assign why a seamonster, such as has been described to us, should neglect to seize upon several small boats filled with men who were escaping from a vessel which it held in custody?"

He was an enthusiast on Natural History and Mythology, and had written an article for a weekly paper on the reconciliation of the beasts of tradition with the fauna of to-day. Mr. Harberry was not looking at the marine. His eyes were fixed upon the school-master. "Mr. Cardly," said he, "did you ever read of an animal like that?"

"I am very sure, sir," said school-master Cardly, "that there is nothing to be said against the endurance and the courage of marines. We all remember how they presented arms, and went down with the Royal George." The marine smiled. "I suppose," said the blacksmith, "that you never had to do anything of that sort?" The stranger did not immediately answer, but sat looking into the fire.

I have an idea that this magnetic condition was the cause of the trouble to our machinery; every separate part of it was probably turned to a magnet, and they all stuck together." "Mr. Cardly," said Mr.

It was, of course, useless for me to endeavor to follow her, and I therefore concluded to give up the marine service for a time and go into another line of business, about which it is too late to tell you now." "Mr. Cardly," said Mr. Harberry to the school-master, "have you ever read that the British Government has a submarine cable from Madras to Rangoon?"

It was the electricity leaking out and uniting itself and the iron ship into a sort of conglomerate magnet that was out of the way." "Mr. Cardly," said Mr. Harberry, "if an iron ship were magnetized in that manner, wouldn't it have a deranging effect upon the needle of the compass?" The marine did not give the school-master time to make answer.

"I do not precisely see," answered Mr. Cardly, "why these men should have been allowed this immunity, but I "

I want my father to know you, and I think it is a shame that you, the only protector that we have, should be shut off so much by yourself; so after this we shall eat together. 'After this, I groaned to myself, 'we shall be eaten together. At that moment I did not feel that I wanted to breakfast with Miss Minturn." "Mr. Cardly," said Mr.