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"I don't want any money, and I shall stay here." She hesitated, looked around her, and then added, with an effort, "I suppose you meant well. Be it so! Let bygones be by-gones. You said just now, 'It's the same old Teresa. So she is, and seeing she's the same she's better here than anywhere else." There was enough bitterness in her tone to call for Curson's half-perfunctory sympathy.

Lady Diana accepted me cordially and kindly as a daughter, and said all that was proper; but she actually forestalled us by desiring her son not to come out to her, for she thought it much better for Viola not to have painful recollections revived, and Viola herself wrote in a way that disappointed us loving indeed, but with a strain of something between lightness and bitterness, and absolutely congratulating her brother that there was no one on my side to bring up bygones against him.

But when we was sitting together in the firelight after supper, she had it come on again, and I fear by my own fault, for Dr. Nash says I was in the wrong to say a word to her of any bygones. And yet it was but to clear her mind of the mixing together of Darenth Mill and this mill she remembers.

'There is great apology for you, Julia, as far as I can judge from a glance at these letters; you have obeyed at least one parent. Let us adopt a Scotch proverb the Dominie quoted the other day "Let bygones be bygones, and fair play for the future."

"If he goes peaceable, we'll let bygones be bygones. He's my own sister's child. And Twomley says for me not to come back without him. I tell ye, he's a drawin' card, and no mistake." "But, Mr. Sorber!" cried Agnes. "He wants to study so." "Shucks! I won't stop him. He's allus readin' his book. I ain't never stopped him.

"Take another sniff," advised Mrs. Blunt, "Of course, if Mr. Merceron is willing to let bygones be bygones, and just be an acquaintance " "Oh, but I know he won't. If you knew Charlie "Knew who, Agatha?" "Mr. Merceron," said Agatha, in a very humble voice. "If you knew him at all, you'd know he wouldn't do that." "Then you must send him about his business. Oh, yes, I know.

He could see that she was as pretty as ever, that she was but very little altered. She was, in truth, somewhat stouter than in the old days, but of that he took no special notice. Should he speak to her? Should he try to catch her eye and then raise his hat? Should he go up to her horse's head boldly, and ask her to let bygones be bygones?

"And by that time, perhaps, I can express my regret to you, for things done and things left undone, with more convincingness." The older man made a slight gesture of rejection with one well-kept hand. "Let bygones be bygones," he returned briefly.

And when the company was parting, I heard him take leave of her with the words "Give us a kiss, my girl, and let bygones be bygones." Which kiss I heard with delight. For had I not been a peacemaker in this matter? And had I not then a right to feel blessed? But the understanding was brought about simply by making the people meet compelling them, as it were, to know something of each other really.

But as bygones are bygones, and no help for them, what say ye to a fine lobster and a bottle of as good claret as any in Ireland? Betty, clear these things from the table, and make the mistress and our young friend welcome to our home. Not having small change, Mr.