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The ruse of hoisting the British flag was legitimate if the Buenaventura substituted her own flag before proceeding to board them. The San Margarita had the flags of more than one nation in her lockers; but the gun-brig had no power to act the policeman in neutral waters. There was the point.

The unbridled passions of men of the new race already foreshadowed the death of the old race, even while the good priests were seeking to elevate and to Christianize them. This attack and consequent disturbance delayed still longer the founding of San Buenaventura.

The Viceroy de Croix had ordered Governor Rivera "to recruit seventy-five soldiers for the establishment of a presidio and three Missions in the channel of Santa Barbara: one towards the north of the channel, which was to be dedicated to the Immaculate Conception; one towards the south, dedicated to San Buenaventura, and a third in the centre, dedicated to Santa Barbara."

The Congress called the president to appear before it, and some of the officers of his staff, hearing him harshly criticised, drew swords and pistols to punish the offending congressman, and only the energy of the speaker, Buenaventura Baez, averted a bloody conflict.

One of these was the little schooner that had been waiting upon us while marching along the "Rincon." Distance 14 miles. January 6. The wind has blown a gale in our faces all day, and the clouds of dust have been almost blinding. The mission of San Buenaventura does not differ, in its general features, from those of other establishments of the same kind heretofore described.

In 1823 the president and vice-prefect Señan, who had served as padre at this Mission for twenty-five years, died August 24, and was buried by the side of Santa María. After his death San Buenaventura began rapidly to decline. In 1822 a neophyte killed his wife for adultery.

"You see, I went down there for the Company I'm working for. I was looking out for rubber and hard woods. I'd worked from Buenaventura. From Buenaventura down to the Rio Caqueta and then followed that stream up to the water head, and then down the Codajaz. If you look at the map, you'll see it's no easy trip. No chance to pack much. All I wanted to carry was information.

Plans were immediately laid for carrying the cross still further into the wilderness, and six new missions those of San Buenaventura, San Gabriel, San Louis Obispo, San Antonio, Santa Clara and San Francisco were presently agreed upon.

Subsequently another one entered the field. The intention was to give one month of service at each mission, and the gratifying experience has been that at no point has this one month been deemed sufficient. At the end of five months the harvest reported was forty souls brought to repentance. Three new missions are upon our list this year; those at Los Angeles, San Buenaventura, and Tucson.

The Mission Cross which Father de la Pena y Saradia planted here, is still standing. The ninth Mission was San Buenaventura, founded also by Junipero Serra in person, in company with Governor Felipe de Neve, on Easter Sunday of March 31, 1783. From San Buenaventura, Junipero Serra and Governor de Neve marched to what is now Santa Barbara.