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"Let them protest; we will have raised such a barrier of desolation between themselves and France, that we can afford to laugh at their indignation. I for my part approve of the method of warfare traced out for us by the minister of war, and I shall carry it out from Basle to Coblentz. The time we allowed to the people of Speier for reflection, expires to-day. To horse, then!

Germany followed suit, and the schism of the church was closed by the secular princes at Constance and Basle. The papacy was restored in form, but not to its old supremacy. The pontificates of Sixtus IV. and the egregious Alexander VI. were followed by the militant Julius II., who aimed, with some success, at making the pope a secular territorial potentate.

A more serious for Mozart a very serious affair, was his infatuation with Aloysia Weber, a fifteen-year-old girl with much beauty and little heart. When Mozart was in Manheim in 1778, writing flowery letters to the Bäsle, he had occasion to have certain music copied, to be sung before the Princess of Orange, who had become interested in his work.

Could there be any good reason why his father should have wished that a 'fortune, in every way so desirable, should go out of the family? 'She'll have nothing to do of that sort if she goes to Basle, said George moodily. 'That is more than you can say, replied his father. 'A woman married to a man of business can always find her share in it if she pleases.

John's Gospel into English; and it is said, that a copy of some of St. Paul's Epistles, in Bede's handwriting, is still preserved in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. His works, published at Basle, extend to eight folio volumes. Bede died May 26, 735, in the sixty-third year of his age.

Gothard, to Basle and Baden Baden, where we passed the summer, intending to return to England in autumn, but as soon as the rains began my father had so serious a return of his illness that my mother was much alarmed. When he was well enough to travel, we once more crossed the Alps, and reached Florence, where we remained for the winter.

Nevertheless, she especially stipulated that she should have a new arm-chair for her own use, and that the feather bed in her own chamber should be renewed. 'So your cousin Marie is to be married to Adrian Urmand, the young linen-merchant at Basle, said Madame Faragon. 'Who says so? demanded George.

Passing through Frankfort, Tycho went into Switzerland; and, after visiting many cities on his way, he fixed upon Basle as a place of residence, not only from its centrical position, but from the salubrity of the air, and the cheapness of living.

"How do you do?" The English "How do you do?" is a strange sound to be heard in these remote Swiss valleys. Rollo turned round and saw a boy look up to him with a smile, saying again at the same time, "How do you do?" In a moment Rollo recognized the boy whom he had seen at Basle in the court yard of the diligence office while he had been waiting there for the horses to be harnessed.

One day John Yeardley went into the mountains to see an establishment called the Pilgrim Mission Institution, where he was interested in meeting three young men from Syria, who had come there to escape the scenes of war in their own country, and with the desire to be rendered capable of instructing their countrymen. They left Basle on the 22nd, and entered Germany.