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You boys are all on a straight board-and-salary basis thirty dollars a week, and it's up to me to make you earn it!" He grinned and beckoned to Jean Douglas Avery and her companions in the next room. "Mrs. Avery, here, is our leading woman keeping the name of Jean Douglas, since she made it valuable in that Lazy A serial she did a year or so ago.

It was as though she had been vouchsafed a far glimpse of destiny which had been too fleeting for her comprehension. The preparations that must inevitably precede a departure for an indefinite length of time kept Avery from dwelling overmuch on what had passed on that gusty afternoon when she had taken shelter in the doctor's house.

Avery said. Whereat Gracie broke into a propitiatory smile. "The things I wish for never happen," she said. And Avery departed, wondering if this statement deserved to be treated in the light of an amendment. Lennox Tudor spent hours at the Vicarage that day in close attendance upon Mrs. Lorimer in company with Avery who scarcely left her side.

Lorimer would have been a handsome man. He rose as Avery approached and placed a chair for her with elaborate courtesy. "Thank you," she said. "I only ran in for a moment just to tell you that little Jeanie is so tired to-night. She has had no time for her lessons all the afternoon because she has been helping with the little ones in the nursery.

Avery went with her to the schoolroom where the other offenders were assembled. It seemed to her almost cruel to attempt to suppress the truth, but their reception of it went to her heart. Jeanie the placid, sweet-tempered Jeanie wept tears of such anguished distress that she feared she would make herself ill. Gracie was too angry to weep.

The stranger surveyed him for some time, huggling his head down in cowering fashion, so it seemed in the dusk. "You," he huskily ventured, "are Buck's Leviathan Circus and Menagerie; Ivory Buck, Proprietor." "And you," declared Buck, "are Brick Avery, inventor of the dancing turkey and captor of the celebrated infant anaconda side-show graft with me for eight years."

And midway, poor Jeanie crouched in a forlorn little heap with her hands tightly covering her face. "The child's hurt!" exclaimed Avery. She started to run back, but in a moment Piers sprang past her, crying, "All right. Don't run! Take it easy!" He himself went like the wind. She watched him with subconscious admiration. He was so superbly lithe and strong.

"Because you don't look it," he said plainly. "No, don't be vexed with me! I speak as a friend a friend who desires your happiness more than anything else on earth. And do you know, I think I should see a doctor pretty soon if I were you. If you don't, you will probably regret it. Get Piers to take you up to town! Maxwell Wyndham is about the best man I know. Go to him!" "Thank you," Avery said.

Miss Windom alone gave more than that. I saw her drop a five-dollar gold piece into the box." Avery blushed furiously at being called into public notice in such a manner by her impetuous young cousin. Every drop of blood seemed to leave Alec's face for an instant, and then rushed back until it burned a fiery crimson.

It was nearly three months after the rains had washed the last dead flower-petals from the mound above little Georgia when the "land-shark" firm of Hamlin and Avery filed papers upon what they considered the "fattest" vacancy of the year. It should not be supposed that all who were termed "land-sharks" deserved the name. Many of them were reputable men of good business character.